Chapter 2

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"Oww. I think you broke something." Cassy rolled over and stretched, wincing as her muscles screamed in protest.

"Get up," Belle ordered sharply. "You are in training. You do not whine or show signs of pain. You are strong. You do not show weakness."

Cassy resisted the strong urge to roll her eyes and got to her feet, rotating her shoulders forwards and backwards.

"What did you do wrong that time, Cass?" Belle asked, arms crossed menacingly across her chest. Cass used to tease her when she was little, calling her sister The Admiral because of her strict, militaristic training style.

"I leaned into the kick," Cass muttered, shamed for the amateur mistake. "It was stupid."

"Damn right." Belle tossed her long black ponytail over one shoulder and squared off in a sparring stance. Cass followed her example, planting her feet and raising her arms to chest level. "You mastered this when you were ten," Belle continued. "What is wrong with you today? You're unfocused, sloppy-"

"Thanks, B," Cass interrupted sarcastically, blocking the vicious kick Belle aimed at her stomach and jabbing her fist towards her sister's solar plexus. Belle deflected it easily, and they spun on the mat, exchanging blows with increasing force. Cass ducked to avoid another kick, and then spun upward, catching Belle sharply in her waist and causing her to drop to the mat. She nimbly placed her sister in a fierce choke hold, one fist raised threateningly above her head. Belle's determined expression faded into a smile and she smirked, rolling out of the hold and helping Cass to her feet.

"Better. Again!"


They walked back to the main house after training as always, Belle with one arm slung around Cass, both of them laughing hysterically.

Cassy doubled over with laughter, clutching her aching stomach. She lurched forwards, and Belle grabbed onto her jacket to stop her from falling, making them laugh even harder.

Gasping for breath, Belle sobered abruptly. Noticing her sister's change in temper, Cass frowned. "What's wrong, B?"

"There's something -- something I need to tell you. And you have to promise you won't freak out, sweetie." She bit her lip as she spoke, anxiously studying her sister's reaction.

"What?" Cass replied abruptly, eyeing her sister warily.

"Cass," Belle warned.

"Fine. Scout's honor." She held up her right hand. "What is it?"

"The Brothers are coming." She said it softly, predicting Cass's reaction.

"What did you say?" Cass had adopted a threatening stance, staring down Belle with narrowed eyes.

"You promised, Cass. Scout's honor!" she cried, backing away from Cassy as she advanced, prowling forward slowly like a cat.

"I was never a scout," Cassy spat in return. "What the hell, B?! How long have you known? Don't answer that," she added as Belle opened her mouth cautiously. "You know how I feel about them. And you didn't think that I might want to know that they're coming back? How in the hell... I don't believe this. I don't believe you." She continued to stalk forward menacingly, the face that haunted her nightmares appearing behind her eyelids. She shood her head, trying to clear the image. Your head's not a damn Etch-A-Sketch.

"Aw, come on. Don't be like that. I know he hurt you-"

"HURT me? HURT me?! Are you serious? It destroyed me when I left. He destroyed me. He made me weak, and that nearly got me killed. So yeah, I will be like that, B."

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