Start from the beginning

"Then why'd you do it" the cop questions

"Just in a hurry sorry it won't happen again"

"Where are you coming from"

"Buffalo Wild Wings"

"Then why are you in such a hurry" the cop asks moving so he can see me too

I casually lean back in the seat

Josh face palms "the waitress stole my credit card and I'm going to get it deactivated" Josh explains

"What's your full name" the cop asks

"Joshua Hyland" Josh replies

"Handle your credit card then meet me back at Buffalo Wild Wings" the cop orders

"I don't have time for this" Josh mumbles pulling back on the highway making sure to rack his pipes

I lean back in my seat once again staring at Josh

He pulls up at his bank then jumps out and inside I still have no idea what he's gonna tell them

'Yeah I'm a sixteen year old with a credit card and it got stolen um yeah deactivate it yeah yeah they stole it at Buffalo Wild Wings yeah"

That's probably what he will say

I unbuckle and get out of the car and follow Josh into the bank

"Yeah can you deactivate it" I hear him asking

Wow Josh really "well we are going to need your number to confirm its really you" the bank lady responds

(A/N this is crap I don't know what I'm writing I know nothing about this bear with me plz)

"Joshua Hyland


Josh tells his phone number and credit card number and all that

"Okay done" the bank lady which I soon find outs name is Jennifer cheers

We get back in joshs car and as he begins to speed off to bdubs I hear joshs phone begin ringing

He tosses it to me

"Don't wanna break the law anymore it's MADDIE answer it" he explains

I answer

"Hello Madison"

"Where are you"

"Driving to bdubs"

"Well mom wants you home"

"Sorry that can't happen at this moment" I reply

"Yeah it can kenzie get home"

"I'm telling you I can't"

"Why can't you"

"It's a very long story I'll be home when this is taken care of goodbye"

I hang up and toss joshs phone back in the console

He pulls back up at bdubs and dashes out of the car i glance around the parking lot noticing no cop cars

I follow him inside and the officer that pulled us over was speaking to some employees

Josh stands next to the officer with his arms crossed staring at Olivia, the waitress as she stares back at him

I stand next to Josh mocking his movements

"None of these employees have got credit card Josh" the police officer turns to Josh

"Yes they do.."

"We would drop the case but lucky for you a few other costumer have had this complaint recently so they are all being brought in for questioning you to are free to go but we will call either of your cells if we need you to come in for questioning" the officer explains

"Okay thank you sir" Josh replies walking out of the restaurant with me following

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