Chapter 6: What Shall We Uncover...

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Ember woke up every morning to the rising sun. She always would bath, get dressed, make her breakfast and then take it to her Mother and Father's tree to eat with them. Afterwards would be her training and hunting, and honing her abilities. 'BUT, today isn't any other day.' she thought still laying in bed. Today, was going to be very different for two reasons: One she wouldn't be going about her normal routine of the usual days she had; and two, she had never woken up to the company of others in her own home. They were her guests, and she needed to be courteous to them. As she finally rolled out of bed, she could hear some of the men's billowing snores echo up the stairs to her door. 'Do all men snore like that.' she wondered, than chuckled it away, grabbing her robe to cover up as she went downstairs and quietly out the door.

"Ah, the morning sun. I can always depend on you to be the same." she said smiling at her naiveness. She on one hand loved that this morning was different and that there were others besides just Egniel to talk to now. But what if she wasn't normal to the men. What if who she was, alarmed some of the men?

"Don't worry Mistress." spoke Egniel.

"Egniel," Ember said startled, "you love doing that don't you?"

"Perhaps," he gave her a cheeky grin to bring a smile to her face.

Ember went back to her thoughts for a moment, "Egniel..." she said starting to bite her lip.

"I know you have some questions." he said wanting to cut through the pretenses and put her mind at ease.

"First off, why is it no one noticed you yesterday? I saw you, is that something only I can do being that you're my Guardian?" she looked him in the eyes deeply.

"No, but I didn't need them seeing me. I wanted to see how you would handle yourself without me being there and stepping in."

"I guess I understand that." she sighed, "Secondly, when we were fighting and Jaq wasn't sure who his enemies were, I could see them clearly. I mean, their aura's at that moment screamed betrayal."

"It is because of your abilities. Consider yourself one big lie detector, you can read what most others can't. It is a gift of yours, being a Priestess in training and all." he said watching the breeze blow through her hair gently.

"This is my last question, I promise." she smiled.

"I doubt that 'My Lady', but go on." he said slightly mocking the men's phrase for her.

"Very funny, then this is all I have to ask for right now. I feel that I can trust these men. They seem honorable and kind, but it made me shake that Jaq was able to quote the Goddess's words. Aren't they supposed to be sacred, archived only here in the Land of Waters?" she said speaking more out loud to herself than actually asking him a question.

"I should tell you," he said drawing her back, "Oracles are extremely rare people. One isn't simply born everyday." he said having her full attention now.

"When I was alive, Oracles were revered and treasured. Remember this statement Ember, 'He who possesses the Oracle, controls the world.' "

Ember listened further on, drawn in by Egniel's words.

"Oracles can foresee the future.From predicting the weather, to when a person will die, they can even map out the events of a battle afor it ever takes place. They are extraordinary, as they should be. But that is also why they are treasures. One is typically born every hundred years, but sometimes the timing is off by and couple hundred years in between."

"If they're such treasures, then why would this King kill her. She could foresee the future and everything, so why did she have to die." she thought back to the older gentlemen Jaq who confided his emotions with her yesterday evening. He was truly in love with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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