Back In Contact! :)

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After two days..
At night in London...

Arsh was studying late night as she was the person who's only able to study without noise. While she was studying, she heard her phone ringing. Tring!!..Tring!!.. . At first she ignored the call but then after few times getting annoyed with the sound, she decided to attend the call. She glanced at the clock. It was 2 a.m.

She was shocked and at the same time angry.'Who the hell is calling me at this time? Conform its Hega's. Assignments doubt for sure.' she said to herself. Arsh stretched her hand to her bedside and grabbed her phone. She picked up the phone.

'Hello! Yes, Hega right?. Unakku mani yennanu theriyuma? Its 2!' she said nonchalantly.

'Sorry Sifu! You the one good in Maths. I have not completed mine and I need your help, if not tomorrow that Roy Buffalo will scream at me like hell for not handing in my assingments.' Hega pleaded.

'Seri.. sollu. Which part you don't understand? Say what.. Just screenshot and send them to me and I'll send you the workings through Whatsapp.' Arsh told calmly.

'Okay Arsh. Thank you so much! I'll do it now. Bye!' Hega thanked her happily. 'Umm.. okay! Bye' was all Arsh replied, feeling tired.

They hung up their phones. Hega sent her the excersises and Arsh, as she promised, she sent back all the workings to him. All settled. Then after few minutes, Arsh's phone rang again. This time she couldn't tolerate. 'Day time its noisy and I have no time! That is why I study at night.. but then night also I'm not getting the chance. Intha kosu thole tangamudiyale' she mumbled to herself putting down her head on her book. She grabbed the phone beside her angrily and attended as she thought it was Hega.

'Dei!! Ippo yennada problem unakku? I have sent you all right?' Arsh asked, being a little harsh.

'Send what?' the voice asked her bluntly.

'Ada kirukka! Check your Whatsapp. I sent all the Maths working there already.' she said, getting irritated.

'Hey! whom do you think you're speaking to?' the voice asked again.

'Don't make my blood pressure rise up loose! Who else, you lah Hega! Now put down the phone!' she replied, feeling annoyed.

'Loose.. don't you have the habit of checking who's on the line before speaking.' the voice asked her calmly.

Arsh got stucked with the question. She then realised it was not Hega. She grinned at her phone screen to check who was the person. It was an unknown number.

'Opps!.. I'm really sorry. By the way who's speaking? Wait.. wait.. hold on.' Arsh paused her converse.

Arsh heard footsteps towards her room door. She knew it was her mom. Arsh quickly switched off the light. She snugged herself under the blanket acting as though she was asleep. Arsh's mom came. She squeezed the door knob slowly and switched on one of the lights. She came closer to Arsh. 'Gone! Arsh, you are dead! ' Arsh practically had a monolog in her head. Her mom then left a glass of water on the side table and pecked a kiss on Arsh's forehead. Arsh's heart palpitated so hard. She slept like a statue till her mom left the room. She closed the door and went off. Arsh took off her blanket. She took a deep breath and exhaled, leaving a big sigh of relieve. She slowly got down from her bed and went to lock her door. She checked again if that person was on the line. Literally was. She then answered the phone call.

'Hey! Sorry for the wait.' Arsh apologised. 'Anyways, who's this speaking?' she continued.

'Guess me!' was all the person answered.

The person had a rough husky voice. Arsh knew the person was a male.

'Hello.. I have no time for guessing and all. All I know is that you are a male, you can speak and understand tamil. And yeah, wait.. this number is not a local one too. Whose this?' Arsh asked eagerly.

'You've come closer. Try more.' he said, chuckling at the other side.

'See human! Its getting late. You tell me if you want or else I'm just gonna put down the phone.' Arsh replied, impatiently.

'Ani.. Anirudh here!!' he replied.

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES..


I wonder what would be her reaction this time getting back her Rockstar in contact. :)

What would be yours if this happens to you? I'll die for seconds and of course resurrect. Lol! :)

Hope you guys liked this part. Sorry if it was terrible. Pls vote and leave your comments. Thank you! ♥

The First Meet #AnirudhLiveinLondon (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora