The Unwrapped Gift of Love :)

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That huge box was like a TREASURE. Books tittled "My Rockstar", "The Young Musician", notes, song diaries, T-shirts with his pictures and names printed on, albums, frames, keychains, bags printed out with Rockstar's philosophy, caps. 100's of sketches and the list goes on with tiny gifts in it.Rockstar Anirudh was just grabbing out each, one by one stunned and at the same time puzzled to all those stuffs.His friends (bandmates too) were even more excited to collect all the gifts out. They even started whispering to each other about Anirudh. Shashank one of his friends started teasing him-

"Hey Dei.. Ani this girl is not the normal fan of yours da. She made you really special. She is born to bla.. bla.. bla.." he blabbered. "Dont ever forget this lovely fan in your life" he continued.

Ani just kept silents.He was not feeling alright after unwrapping that huge box. He tried diverting his mind watching television, tweeting but he was not able to cope up with what he got. Ani asked his friends to clear all those stuffs back into that big box and he left to the washroom. He looked at himself infront of the mirror.Tears started draining down his cheeks. He started speaking mindvoice-

"What have I done to all my fans.. I am not that great even.. I am really so lucky to have millions of fans who support me from the bottom of their heart like this girl.. My music that has brought me to this level if only not my fans who support me.. Now I know who I am.. I am never going to stop making every single of my fans happy and will never dissapoint them with my music. This girl brought out the real me.. How much love. Wow! The true fan of mine that i have ever seen. Never forgeting her in my life. I need to meet this girl soon again before I leave London in a weeks time" All this were running in his mind.

He rinsed his face and came out. Anirudh took his phone and went to bed early. This time earlier.His friends were suprised to see him going to bed early because he used to stay awake late night doing some freeky funny things with his Iphone or joining them playing video games. He didn't even eat.That night was just a memorable night of treasures of himself to him.

The next next morning, Anirudh got  ready and called the organisers. Guess what he was about to ask. He asked the particulars about the girl who got him that big box. He got her phone number. Later then, he tried calling her but Rockstar could not get her.


Place : Arsh's house, in her bedroom

Tring!!... Tring!!.. Her phone rings

This girl is in a deep sleep. What was she doing last night until she can snoor like a pig!

Tring!!.. Tring!!..The phone rang and at the same time her alarm clock rang Cringggggg!!..

This time she got up.She looked at the time. "Oh My Godness!, Its 9 a.m. and I'm still on bed! I need to be at college at 10.What would I do" She screamed. She quickly rushed didn't even bother to check who gave her a call. She dressed up,took her bag and left.Pity her that day her parents were out for meeting.She was not able to get her special Chappati Sandwiches made by her mum that Saturday. She left her house.Her driver drove her fast. Unfortunately this girl got stucked in a heavy traffic as it was a festival day celebrated by the Whites.Arsh didnt know what to do. One side her stomach was grumbbling for food, another side she was tensed up with the traffic jam. As proverb says ' An angry man is a hungry man. ' :)

Tring!!.. Tring!!.. The phone rang again

Arsh : Intha time-ah pathu, someone is calling me! Loose..loose!

She cut the phone.. Once again it rang.This time..

Arsh : Hey who the hell are you man giving me missed calls since early morning!? Don't you have sense? Don't you know if a person is not picking the call, they might be busy? Early morning yaaru munji-la mulicheno therileh!

The voice then answered : Hey... Okay, okay..calm down. I'm sorry. I just wanted to meet you again. As today is Sunday, I thought you would be free to meet me again. Its okay, you can call me later when you are free but dont forget.Bye..

Arsh : Sorry. Can I know who's speaking? And why must you meet me? I dont even recognise your number.

The voice answered : Hey.. I'm Anirudh.. Anirudh Ravichander. Just had my concert here right? 

Arsh : What!?.. Rockstar!?.. Your number!?.. Call for me!?.. But HOW?.. Hello.. can you hear me?.. Hello.. helloo

Battery was down.. And the phone switched off.

TheAnirudhFictions CONTINUES...

The First Meet #AnirudhLiveinLondon (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ