Chapter 2

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Suddenly the bus skidded to a halt and Allison said to me” Come on Alexis. We’re home.” I shut my diary and put it along with my pen in my bag and closed the zipper. I slung it over my shoulder and hopped out of the bus. Allison got off after me and put her arm around my shoulder.

 She looked at me and said” Something’s bothering you. What is it? Tell me. I’ll try to help.” I looked at her and told her” I’m just sick with my life. That diary idea of yours is not working. It’s just reminding me of all the bad things in my life. After my 15th birthday the voices and the flashes are becoming worse. The flashes are no longer flashes but whole scenes and when I have them I can black out for half an hour at a time. This is something even you can’t help me with Allison.”

After my 15th birthday 2 months ago the flashes became more frequent and the voices became harder to control. I was finding controlling . It was driving me crazy. I was smiling less and less everyday and only Allison could get the occasional smile out of me.

We reached the gate of the orphanage and went in. When I was going into my room with Allison I walked past the main office and Mrs. Gardiner, the owner of the orphanage, opened her door and said” Alexis can you come in here a minute.” I looked at Allison, puzzled. When she gave me a small nod I walked into the door which Mrs. Gardiner held open for me.

When I walked in I found someone already sitting in the office. It was a man with straight blonde hair like mine. He looked in his late thirties. He had sparkling blue eyes and a kind face. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place him. He smiled when he saw me. He held out his hand and said “My name is Julian King. Pleased to meet you.”

Suddenly I remembered a man fighting with my dad when I was around 8. One night suddenly a man, this man, had come to our house. He had asked to come in. When he was in our house he and my dad had been talking when suddenly my dad got angry and started arguing with this man. The man had tried to calm my dad down but my mom had told him to leave.

Now he was here again and I didn’t know what to say. Mrs. Gardiner walked in and told me “Alexis, dear, you will be going with Mr. King here to New York tomorrow. He has explained the situation to me and he will explain everything to you on the way. I’ll help you pack up. Then you need to get some sleep because a have long day tomorrow.”

“Woah. Hold on. What if I don’t want to go? What If I don’t trust this man? And you expect me to just leave everything and go to New York just like that. What about all my friends in London? I can’t go to New York. I have a life here. And you just decide that I am going to go to New York without even asking me. It’s my life. I get a say in deciding where I go and where I don’t.” I replied. This is preposterous. I can’t just leave. Mrs. Gardiner just shrugged and went up to my room.

There was something special about this man. He looked like a person I could blindly trust but he had somehow sealed his mind against my assaults against him. For the second time I tried to use my power against someone else.

I had tried it just once before on Allison. That time it had worked so I was hoping it would work again. I concentrated till I was aware of everything around me and I saw Julian King in front of me. I projected myself into his mind. But when I tried to break in I hit a blank wall. I ran all around it but could not find a weakness. When I couldn’t read his mind I became a little cautious around him.

He smiled and said “Don’t try to break into my mind. You won’t succeed. You can have another go but it would be a fruitless effort and you would tax yourself unnecessarily.” I was stunned. How did he feel my presence in his mind? Allison hadn’t realised it. He must be a really trained man if he can block his mind like that. His brain is practically impenetrable.

“As for what you said you can come back after sometime; I don’t know after how much time but I am sure you could come back but your coming with me right now is really important.” He said.

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head which was not quite mine. It said ‘You are coming with me. You have to come with me. You are going to go to your room and start packing for tomorrow.’ The voice was very persuasive. But I thought ‘Why? Why should I go? I won’t.’ Julian King smiled. “You are powerful. You resisted my charms without any practise. It would usually take years of practise for anyone to resist that particular charm. But you don’t understand. You have to come with me. It’s very important.”I considered it for some time and then said “Fine. I’ll go.”


Authors note:Hi guys, i hope you like this chapter too :)

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