Chapter 5

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---Tsuki's P.O.V---

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me and my heart skips a beat. Yes. I nod and he immediately rushes forwards and hugs me, squishing me against the pillow.

"I could have lost you." He says.

"So? I'm a monster. I deserve it." I say sadly.

"No, you don't. It's not your fault. You didn't know. They never told you anything. It's not your fault." He comforts me. I shake and he holds me tighter, rubbing my back for comfort.

"They're all gone!" I cry.

"It's okay." He comforts me. I cry my eyes out to him and he waits patiently, comforting me the entire time. King is so sweet. He pulls away from me. "Are you ready to go back now?" He asks, starting to get up.

"No." I say and cling onto him.

"Come on, we've got to go back." King says, trying to lift me up. I keep holding onto him, trying to pull him down.

"I don't want to. Just five more minutes?" I beg and look up at him with tears forming in my eyes.

"Aw, it's okay, don't cry. I'll stay here with you." He says and we lie down on his giant pillow. He rubs my back comfortingly and we just sit in silence, enjoying each other's company. I close my eyes, and soon I fall asleep. For the first time in a while, I don't have nightmares.

I wake up to find that I'm outside the tavern. I walk out to the front to find Diane and Elizabeth there.


Everything's okay now. I explained what happened and everybody's friends again.

"Gather up anything that looks edible. We can sort through them later." Diane says. I nod and walk around until I hear Elizabeth scream. I rush over to find a giant mushroom waiting for us and Elizabeth sitting on the floor. Diane walks over and knocks it on the head. "Ingredient located and captured!" She smiles and the mushroom spits out a ton of pink dust. I sneeze. I look at my hands. They're so small! My clothes don't fit either...I look up to see Diane normal sized and Elizabeth a bit taller than me. We're tiny!


King catches up to us. I'm hiding in Diane's pocket and Elizabeth is in between her...nevermind.

"Hey, Diane, is that really you?" King asks. She turns around and nods. "Where's Tsuki? And the princess? And Tsuki? Weren't they with you?" He panics.

"We're here!" We call out and Diane reveals us. King looks at my unclothed body and immediately gets a nosebleed while I blush. My chest-down is covered.

"No that really you...Tsuki?" He reaches out to touch me. Diane pulls me away.

"Pervert!" She huffs and King gets another nosebleed.

"N-no! I didn't mean to stare! Anyway, we should tell Captain!" He says and brings captain into the small storage shack that we're in. Diane explains what happened. Meliodas asks why she didn't say anything sooner.

"It's just...I really wanted to surprise you Captain!" Diane jumps into his arms. Diane tells Meliodas that all the stuff that he does with Elizabeth, he can do with her. Meliodas denies her. Diane gets upset and Meliodas comforts her. We walk back to the fight just in time to see King fight. I cheer him on. King goes for a punch but falls. I wince. He's so weak without his weapons. But he's still adorable, so that's okay. The old man hits him on the head.

"Man, he's tough!" King says, holding his head. King goes to use his power but the old man knocks him out of the ring. Meliodas catches him in the pillow. "That was so mean!" He whines. I lean forwards and pat his cheek.

The 8th Deadly Sin (MeliodasxOCxKing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن