Chapter 3

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---Tsukiko's P.O.V---

We arrive in the village near Baste Prison. That's where Ban is being held. It seems as though Meliodas needs a doctor. He's hurt! Diane is holding him while I'm on her shoulder. I haven't gotten to tell her anything yet. That's for another time. We walk into Dalmally town. That's what its called.

"Hey! Is there a-" Diane asks. Everyone screams and runs away. I shake my head.

"How can you help if they run for the hills the minute they see ya?" Hawk yells. Diane pauses.

"Fine. Then you go look for a doctor." Diane agrees.

"Alright!" Elizabeth agrees and runs off. Diane sinks to her knees. I pat her shoulder.

"It'll be alright. Just you wait!" I comfort her.

---short timeskip---

Diane and I sit outside the window. Meliodas is in there, getting help. People have crowded around us, wondering what a Neko and a Giantess would be doing in their small village.

"He'll be okay." I say.

"You think so?" She asks me. I nod.

"Have a little faith." I smile at her. In reality, I feel like crying. What if he doesn't get better? What would I do without him? What would any of us do without him.

"I'm going to start heading in that direction right now. Once the captain wakes up, I'm pretty sure he'll want to go there right away. But I can't let him do that until I know all his wounds are healed." Diane says. Elizabeth must have been talking. I wasn't paying attention. Diane gets up.

"Wherever you're going, I'm coming with you." I say. She nods. She starts walking and Elizabeth runs up to us.

"Diane! Tsukiko! Wait! I'll come with you!" She calls out. I shake my head. She's only going to cause problems.

"I don't want you getting underfoot." Diane says coldly. "I mean, look at that tiny body and those skinny arms. What could you possibly do to help me?" She continues. "The only things you're good for Princess, are changing the washcloths you put on the Captain's head and being his nursemaid." Diane finishes. That was a bit too far.

"I want to do something, anything! I want to be of some help to Sir Meliodas. He's hurt, and I know it's all my fault. I'm just causing trouble. But for my sake-" Elizabeth says. Diane interrupts her.

"Now don't kid yourself! It's not like the Captain risked everything for you!" Diane yells. "He's like that. Always was. It's who he is. Trust me, I should know." She says softly. Then she proceeds to tell how she met and fell in love with him. I hang my head in shame. Diane probably loves him more than I do. Instead of thinking of him, King comes to my mind first. What kind of girlfriend am I? I'm the worst. All I do is cause problems. Problems for Diane and Meliodas and Elizabeth. Maybe I should just go away. Nobody cares about the Eighth Sin anyways.

"What's that?" Elizabeth's frightened voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I see a black cloud flying towards us. My ears pick up on the sound. It's not a storm. It sounds like...bugs? Ew ew ew ew ew no! I hate bugs!!! The insects fly towards us. They're poisonous. It's like acid rain. Diane screams and crouches down.

"Bugs are the one thing I can't stand!" She yells.

"Me too!" I cover my head. Out of the corner of my eye I see Elizabeth run. "Elizabeth watch out!" I scream. Diane rushes to her aid. She covers Elizabeth with her body.

"I may hate bugs but if it's for the captain, I won't let anything get in my way!" Diane yells. She summons earth pillars to squash all the bugs. Diane cracks her knuckles. She jumps forwards. "Now look after the Captain. Got it Princess?" She orders Elizabeth and we dash off. I dig my claws into her clothes to keep from falling off.

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