Chapter Two - Intentions.

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Emma's eyes flew open. She looked about, there were dark blue walls.

She then looked to where she was... What she was doing. She appeared to be on a bed. This meant that she was asleep on this king sized, deluxe bed. Covered in blankets, she had never been comfier in her life.

But this wasn't where she last remembered being. This meant that someone had put her here... Someone had snuggled her up in bed, someone had ensured that she was comfy. This someone must really care, Emma thought to herself.

Emma looked into the distance to see a posh dressing table, it had loads of stuff on it. There was also furniture scattered about the room. Emma really wasn't sure to where she was.

A woman with brown hair then appeared in purple smoke in front of Emma. She gasped as it was unexpected... She knew about magic, but she didn't know that much.

"You're awake finally... I may as well of kidnapped sleeping beauty." The evil queen chuckled to herself.

"W-who are you?" Emma frowned, the woman looked posh. She was defiantly royal... She was also beautiful. Very beautiful.

"You really don't know who I am?" Regina frowned. Stunned at the fact the Princess really didn't know. It was shocking especially considering how Regina had gone after her parents time and time again.

"I don't... Should I? You look royal and all." Emma murmured.

"I'm the queen. The evil queen." Regina gave an evil smile. The evil queen... Emma had heard her mother and father raise concerns about the Evil Queen several times. She was truly feared by Emma's parents. But Emma wasn't afraid of the evil queen? Or at least not yet.

"Am I your prisoner?" Emma gulped, she had no idea to why she was here.

"No dear. If you were my prisoner you would be dead by now." Regina exclaimed.

"So... Are you going to kill me then?" Emma gulped... She didn't want to die, she wasn't ready to. But based on the situation, the guards... The abduction. She felt as if she was going to be killed.

"Like I just said... If I was going to kill you, I can assure you that you would be dead by now." The Evil Queen said in response, whilst trailing her index finger along the blondes lips. "Guards, leave!" The evil queen ordered, she wanted to be alone with Snow Whites daughter. The guards left in an instance.

"So what do you want from me?" Emma asked the queen.

"I'm sorry dear. I never got your name." The evil queen murmured.

"My name is Emma." Emma told the queen.

"Well Emma... I'm not quite sure what I want from you." The evil queen began, she started to rack her brain. If she had Snow Whites child, it would give her an advantage.

"My parents will give you anything if you let me go..." Emma told the queen. The queen the looked at Emma, the dress she was wearing showed that her parents weren't doing too bad for themselves considering the circumstances.

The queen didn't even notice how revealing Emma's dress was... Her beautiful breasts were visible, or at least the top of them were. Her curves... Just everything. This gave The Queen an idea... She knew exactly what she wanted with Emma now.

"You're going to be my pet Emma." The queen smiled.

"Pet?" Emma frowned. She was unsure by what The queen meant by the term "pet".

"You are such a beautiful specimen... So innocent... So pure. And it would be a shame for that to go to waste and kill you." The queen trailed off. Emma snapped back into reality... The evil queen was referring to pet in a sexual context.

"Fine I'll be your pet." Emma agreed. She had no choice... No choice whatsoever. She wasn't going to die if she could help it, regardless to the consequences.

"Oh I can't wait Emma." The queen told her, grinning. For some reason, Emma felt a bit excited about being The evil queens pet... She was unsure why though. Surely she should be scared?

"Take my hand." The evil queen ordered. Emma done as she was told, she took The evil queens hand.

"What do I call you?" Emma randomly asked Regina.

"Most call me your majesty." The evil queen began. "But you... You can call me Regina when its just the two of us." she continued. She was making an exception for this princess... She didn't understand why. She had never made an exception for anyone before. Nor had she felt this way before.

But nevertheless, she transported her and Emma down to the dungeons. Emma had her own room, it was pretty grimy but at least she had privacy. So it wasn't all bad.

"Stay here... Don't try anything." Regina warned Emma.

"Why can't I stay in that other room, i was so comfy?" Emma let out a small sigh.

"Don't whine. And that room is my room, my chamber. Do you think its appropriate for you to be camping in the same room as your Queen?" Regina glared at Emma. Emma was just starting to like Regina aswell... Why did she have to be like this?

"No of course not. I'm sorry." Emma murmured.

"Yeah you better be dear." Regina paused, "Bye Pet. I'll be back soon." Regina murmured. She then left the dungeons, leaving Emma down there too. She would go back when she felt like it was time to use Emma for her true purpose.

I already had this drafted/written up so yano. But i have no other drafts for this book so god knows when the next update will be. Ill try and draft on my residential next week but i can barely type with my acrylic nails🙄🔫

Thanks for reading ☺️

Unedited& this kinda sucks.

Freya xx

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