Chapter 22: His Sister, Likes to Hide

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... I am really pissed with my Internet right now...




I am walking alone it the school hallway, heading to the gym. Feeling of being watched by someone is haunting me. It's seems that Kawahara-san is following me...

'They didn't need to go this far. This bring trauma back...' I sighed


"Kaname-san, you changed your name in my phone, didn't you?" I sighed as I answered the phone call

A voice of laughter are heared from the other side "Hahaha, I like the name 'Sif' more than 'Kaname'. 'Sif' sounds like 'Swift'. "

"It does not, Kaname-san. Anyway, I did text you last time. Did you get it?" I leaned on the walls

"Oh, really? Sorry for that. I must forgot about that..." Kaname-san's voice sounds a bit apologetic

"It's fine. Anyway, is there any reason for you to call for me?" I went straight to the point.

"Oh, okay. Um... say that you love me, Hana?" Kaname-san sounds sad

"Kaname-san, what happen?" I getting nervous

"Say it..." Kaname-san sounds more sad than earlier

"I love you, Kaname-san, as a partner." I said it softly

"Not as a man?" Kaname-san asked with a sad tone

"I saw you not more than a big brother, Kaname-san. I am so sorry..." I apologised to Kaname-san


Kaname-san hung up with me...

'Who wouldn't? But he deserves more than this...' I looked down

I smacked my face really hard with both of my hands...

'No gloomy face. At least not to them...' I smiled and walked up to the rooftop

"...As for others, we will finished the party preparations and wait for Hana-chan..." A girl voice said that. Probably, Riko-senpai...

'Huh? A party? For me?'

I stood there and heared their conversation, silently...

"I feel bad that Hana-san have to go to all of this. Are you okay with it, Kuroko?" Hyuuga-senpai asked

"If it's for her own good, it's okay." Tetsu-nii's voice answered it

"But why do we have to do all of this, senpai?" A rough voice answered (I assume) Taiga-senpai asked

"Based on my research, Hana-chan also have an ability like Akashi-kun. She is a very observant person. I want her to really be surprise with it..." And then it was Riko-senpai's voice answered

'They no need to do that. I am not that great, Riko-senpai. I must act normal so they don't suspect anything...' I smiled

I take a deep breath and went inside...



It looks weird for past few chapters because it was from other people perspective through the day. It probably seem boring to you but I am building and making plot mystery (Yup, I have that.) to build up the story.

Few questions here are:

1. Hana's Trauma?

2. Kaname?

3. Kaname & Hana relationship?

Those questions will be answered later as the story build up. Hope you will like it! 

And I will see you,
As the time strikes again,
Buhbye!! o(^▽^)o



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