Chapter 1: Rue Plumet

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Disclaimer:  I don't own Les Miserables, I'm just doing this for fun! 


Eponine wandered among the streets, staring into the distance.  Her father just cut her money privileges that she earned from working at the florist’s, and kicked her out of the house, leaving her pockets weightless and bare.  She loved the feeling when they felt heavy, and she loved it even more when she took a little amount of weight day by day, buying bread and water for herself.  Now her father took her last remaining 5 francs, she was ready to prepare herself for a week, perhaps a month, of starvation.    A piece of bread costs 10 francs, and working at the florist’s only earned her 2 francs a day.  It took her a week long to just get herself a piece of soft, hot baked bread. Whatever, she thought, got used to that ages ago.

Strangers and gamines rushed to and fro.  The townsmen were in a rush, eager to go back home to sit down and enjoy a nice, hot meal with their families.  The gamines saw this as an opportunity to feed themselves, pickpocketing anyone who would “accidentally” bump into them.  Usually, Eponine would join in the fun, except today.  She needed to find a place to spend the night.  

Maybe by the well, she clicked her fingers.  Or not, her face turned glum again, knowing most gamines would KILL to go spend the night by the well.  Secretly sipping cold, fresh water from the bucket right before taking a nap, to gamines, that’s heaven.  

Suddenly, loud shouting and yelling echoed through the village.  Eponine turned around, and saw schoolboys pouring into a cafe.  Ah, sounds like Marius has arrived.  The thought of Marius made her heart skip a beat, immediately bring back some color to her face.  Marius was gold to her, handsome, clever and the only person who actually shown kindness towards her.  His looks gave her tingles on her skin, and his eyes were as green as the finest emerald.  His freckles added an adorable touch to his strong bone structure, and his lips... 

Not wanting to miss an opportunity to get closer with Marius, Eponine walked to the cafe to find him.  Men were everywhere, either debating over revolutionary plans or just sitting by the bars drinking.  Eponine made her way into the bustling crowd, the smell of alcohol growing stronger as she walked.  Just then, 2 men stood on a table, one of them clutching a piece of paper.  Eponine looked up and smiled at the sight of Marius.  Beautiful Marius...

Next to him was a tall blonde hair man.  His gold curls spread themselves across his forehead and stopped just right above his eyes.  His eyes were ice blue, and if you stare deeply into his eyes you could almost see a blizzard forming in his irises.  He was a bit taller than Marius, maybe 6 feet tall.  He was skinny with broad shoulders and his clothing included a red jacket and a black tie, with a clip of Patria.  

“ SILENCE!”  Marius shouted on top of his lungs.  At once, the boisterous group of men turned silent.  Marius nodded to the man next to him and the man said aloud “ The time is near.  So near it's stirring the blood in their veins!  And yet beware.  Don't let the wine go to your brains!  For the army we fight is a dangerous foe.  With the men and the arms that we never can match.  It is easy to sit here and swat 'em like flies.  But the national guard will be harder to catch.”  The group of men applaud, clinking their bottles and chanted “ VIVE LA FRANCE!”, until Marius made them calm down.  

The man walked into the crowd and stood in the middle, yelling out “We need a sign, to rally the people, to call them to arms, to bring them in line!”  

The group of men again burst into claps and cheers, and this time someone mentioned the man’s name.  Eponine observed the man, Enjolras, more carefully.  Every sentence, every word that comes out of his mouth captures everyone’s attention, changing the atmosphere from womanizing and drinking to politics and revolution.  Marius and Enjolras, collected their papers and jumped off the table.  Marius looked around and spotted a stunned looking Eponine.  Marius walked towards Eponine with a huge smile across his face, making Eponine giggle.  

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