Chapter 10.5 Robert P.O.V Son of Hades

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"Sir" said Evelyn "  Arachne Is asking for your presence at her lair" Evelyn said as she returned to her desk to do more paperwork.
Damn it Archie may not be happy about the prisoners.
" David. . . "I said but stopped
"Huh . . . Robert what." Said David
" hmm get Lester and Luis they are staying with us. . . Our old team."I said
" our old modified team you mean." David reminded me.
Damn it efah you killed hector. You killed my best friend. But thanks to thatI was able to learn how to bargain for souls. May you rot in hell efah.
" hey " David shook me from my day dream
" eh what"I said
" I'll meet you in arachne's lair" said David as he walked out
" hmmm "I thought and walked towards the exit.
" sir" said Evelyn stopping me from leaving.
" yea what's up"I said
"Alphas team new members" reminded me Evelyn
" oh yea right thanks. Umm let's see show me the new recruits."I said Evelyn got up and went to the back of the room. She brought a stack of folders and gave them to me.
" ahh crap "I cursed
Evelyn laughed  she took six folders out of the pile and handed them to me " these are six recruitsI think should be put in alpha team"
" you. . . Ugh. . . Thank you"I said
" the top three have battle experience and are highly recommended." Said Evelyn
" hmmm justin, Isaac, Jesus."I read the names. All three of them were found fighting together they nearly took down a whole battalion of orcs, huh interesting. These men are good they will help Felix on his mission.
" Evelyn make me a new updated letter of alpha team and add your top three recommend men."I ordered Evelyn she just handed me a paper and responded " already did"
" . . . "I was speechless bloody athenian kin she knewI would agree, hmm she's good.I took the paper " thanks." And walked out of the room .I looked at the letter and everything was in order. Ian ran past me. " eh come here"I grabbed Ian and brought him close. " do you have a pen?"I asked Ian
" uh y-y-yes my general" he handed the pen over.
" much obliged"I took it and signed my name on the bottom of the letter.I looked at Ian.
" here."I said handing over the pen
" thank you" he responded.
He started to walk away.
"Ian wait."I said and Ian froze dead " what are you doing."I asked
" I'm on my break from guard soI wanted to exercise. . . Sir." He said
I could tell he was nervous.
" do me a favor and give this to Felix."I said asI handed over the letter.
" y-y-yes sir." He said
" remember to respect Felix he just got promoted."I said to make him more nervous. He nodded his head " now go you little runt" Ian took off to find Felix. ManI like that kid.I thought asI walked to the entrance to arachne's lair. So much has changed the old entrance to Arachne's lair has been renovated into a stairwell guarded my spiders. Of course their friendly. So far Arachne has kept her word. So we have kept ours, Arachne's child has been brought to us.I have kept him hidden for protection. Some of my men are sour due to the little war we had and the number of lost. But since then the numbers of those who have died are limited, minimal.I will personally train him  and have become the protector of this kid. Xajil is his name. He is quite adorable then again he is a baby.
I reached the lair of Arachne and continued walking a spider came to greet me.
" take me to the prisoner.I commanded the spider. it lowered its head and lead the way. caves seemed more darker than usual. Then again we promised the arachnid never to step in their domain unless we needed to.I entered a cave with a roof collapsed making two rooms. In one you can see the roman girl Jessica and in the other the roman boy Eddie.
" Robert" a voice behind me called.
I turned and saw lester standing along side David and Luis.
" huh. . . AmI late?"I asked my group
" we are about to start" said David as Luis brought out a bottle filled with a white liquid.
" that is?"I asked Luis
" a gift from my father Hypnos." Responded Luis
" so that thing is?"I continued
"Milk." Responded Luis.
" right of course, obvious of course." Said Lester as he went walking to Eddie. Lester started to wake up Eddie by pushing him and then started to punch him in his body.
" David do me a favor and wake up the girl." Commanded Luis and so David walked to Jessica and started to pat her.
" sooooo what you doing ?"I asked Luis
"Praying to my father" said Luis as he looked to me
" is that necessary? can't we beat the info out of them?"I asked
" no you put me in charge of this interrogation when alpha team reported these captive, we will do it my way." Responded Luis
"Ahh boring as usual"I said
" no merciful and civilized" said Luis
"Blah fine "I said
Lester re joined us " Luis, Eddie is ready " said Lester
" good, waiting on David now" we turned and saw David walking toward us cleaning his face.
" what happened?" Asked Lester
" uh well she spit in my face,I say we do it the old way." Said David
" that's whatI was say. . . "I was cut of by Luis
" no we are doing this my way" said Luis as he handed the bottle to me.I took it and held it. Then he pulled out some styrofoam cups from his bag that has been sitting besides him. He gave two to David and Lester. " you are going to make them drink this it will help with the interrogation." After that they will pass out." He started filling the cups. " then you guys will drink it too. Sit down you will feel a little weird." He finished filling the cup and he send them to the prisoners.I looked at the bottle there was only 1/3 left.
* sigh " let me guess we are drinking it too."I said as Luis started to fill his last cup.
" yes" as he finished filling the cup. He handed me the cup
" wait till the prisoners have drank it" said Luis.I looked at David he was struggling with Jessica.  Jessica oh snapI forgot she's the daughter of Pluto. Huh canI consider that my sister? Half sister? Or nothing.I walked towards Jessica.
" damn it drink thisI don't want to hurt you " struggled David with Jessica
I walked and grabbed Jessica's shoulder.I felt her cold heartI felt my blood run through her body.
" drink it this will save you from pain."I said.I looked at her eyesI spotted fear yet a unbreakable will. She is my sibling.I gave her the drink in my hand she drank it. David gave me hers andI drank it. david chugged his drink.
My head started to spin.I  leaned on the wallI looked at david he wasn't looking so good.I turned to jessica butI wasn't able to catch a glimpse of her.I dropped to the floor.
WhenI regained consciousnessI looked up .I saw jessica standing and looking at me, she was pissed,I started to get up she rushed towards me you tried to knee my face soI just blocked the attack.I countered her by tackling her.I got her on the floor and placed my full body on her arms and lower body so she wouldn't get up.
" David what the hell is . . .I turned to see David but he was gone. He wasn't in the room.
"aghhh damn it " jessica managed to throw me off of herI rolled and stood up.I looked at her " Jessica stand downI don't want to hurt you."I yelled at her. " if that's true then let me and Eddie go" she yelled back. " look we need info, why have the romans been attacking our camps"I yelled at her. " that's none of your concern" she replied.I felt her anger thrown at me. " father she yelledI need a weapon" instantly a small broken bone appeared from the floor it shot up and jessica grabbed it.
"wow'I said "we can do that?"I continued jessica ignored my humor and rushed at me. she swung the small bone at me.I dodged it and she just keep swinging trying to land a blow on me. finally my back was up against the wall.
"oh crap"I yelled asI hit the wall. she swung once again this timeI couldn't dodge soI blocked the attack. my mistake.I didn't calculate the trajectory correctly. my block only got my hand injured. 'Aghhh!!!"I yelled in pain.I dropped on the floor.I couldn't move why, why couldn'tI move.I dropped on the floor and asI did a glow appeared and disappeared.I looked and david was on the floor he got up and saw him charge at jessica, she just dodged and kneed his stomach. david dropped dead, he was trying to gather his breath.I tried to get up butI was still unable toI looked and saw Luis and lester charge in the room. Jessica got ready to fight.
" wait" yelled Luis " go get your friend let us treat ours. we promise we won't intervene right now." sad Luis
"how doI know you guys are saying the truth" asked jessica
" well by judging from the marrow color" said LuisI turned and looked at jessica's weapon a broken bone with green marrow oozing out of it, could that be whyI can't move? " we need to heal them first before fighting you so get out of our way." said Luis as he ran towards me. jessica just kept her weapon up and looked at Luis in disbelief, then snapped out of it and ran out of the room.
"wh-why you let her go"I asked
"let them taste freedom for the last time" he said as he treated my wound.
i saw eddie and jessica run past our room entrance and headed outside.
" what about our troops on the camp"I asked Luis
" they won't intervene, now get up." said LuisI didI turned towards David him too was getting up.
"after them"I yelled
" no its still too early" said Luis " david Lester follow them if they try to get to a city. . . bring them back" commanded Luis and the two soldiers moved towards the escapees. " oh and make sure you hurt them really. . . really bad, do not hold back" said Luis with a smirk " we will get the intel especially when they do what we want"I looked at him but couldn't read his eyes they looked asleep.
I got up and looked at Luis " sinces when have you been able to heal someone this well"I asked Luis
" what you mean " he responded
that bone had green marrow i'm sure that was some sort of poison yet you just cleaned my wound and got me up, how? I asked
" look right now things are not what they seemed" he said as he drew his sword " someone approaches " Luis walked off
i looked at him while he walked and followed. surprisingly my body felt light. we reached the cave entrances and as we did jessica came rolling down  the stairs fighting david. she struggled to get david off of her. she kicked and punched but no hits landed david was fast a little too fast. she managed to get him off and quickly stood up. david rolled backwards and landed on his knees. jessica pulled out her bone dagger and was ready for David. Luis walked silently and hit jessica behind the knee forcing her to fall he then quickly proceeded to grab her in a neck choke. david got up and started to punch jessica as if she was a punching bag. jessica struggled, she couldn't decide either to get free from the neck choke or block the punches.
i was to stunned to join in my head was spinning bad.I looked up on the stairs lester was killing eddie. eddie tried to block but lester broke through his defenses. lester kicked eddied chest sending him back and looking down trying to grasp his breath.  lester charged at eddie, who looked at lester but before he could block lester jumped and hit eddie right on his face. eddie went down. he took a knee and lester looked at the defeated enemy. eddie looked up and baaam lester hit him again sending him down the stair to whereI was. my senses started to come back. eddie got up and turned to jessica.
"NOOO" he yelled as he charged to  aid jessica.
" where you going"I said and instinctively reached into my bag and pulled out a scalpelI threw it and plunged into eddies left leg he fell down just meters away from jessica who was starting to lose consciousness.I summoned a portal and teleported in front of eddie. who pulled out the scalpel and was searching for me.
" hey Roman scum"I said as he turned around only to meet my foot. eddie past out.
david and  Luis let go off jessica who was groaning and coughing up blood
" the prisoners have been subdued." said lester as we meet up with us in the bottom of the stairs.
"good "said Luis " now take them back to their seat time for the show to start.
I walked up to Jessica, she was breathing heavily.I kneeled and picked her up. she didn't struggle.I looked at Luis who was standing next to lester and david as they were picking up eddie.
" let's go" said Luis we all followed him I carried jessica through the tunnels back into the two interrogation rooms. Luis lester and david went into the same room to place eddie I walked alone to sit jessica on her chair.I sat her up on the chair.
    " you okay?"I asked. jessica sat in silence. " look i'm sorry I dont want to harm you. . . "I placed my hand on jessica's head and smiled. " all we want is to protect our friends and family. . . some of our bases have been attacked and destroyed, we believe that's the romans doing amI wrong?"I asked jessica. she didn't budge
I sighed and got up.I headed to the entrances of the room and stopped.I looked back " please talk to me."I said asI closed the door and was about to lock it when david walked in holding something that looked like a wrench but instead of being curvy it was sharp at its end. he also had some sort of collar on his hand.
" what is that?"I asked david.
" robert you're too attached to your half sister, dude you barely know her, you must remember that she is the enemy and as the leader of this camp you must help us protect this camp by any means necessary." said david
my first instinct was to kill him and save my sister,I reached for my knife. A hand touched my shoulder andI snapped out of my blood thirst.I turned to see Luis.
" Robert what is up with you ?" Luis said
i couldn't speak.
" David place the fork on jessica's neck, just like we did with eddie." said Luis as he walked to the wall on our right. " let's see if arachne made us a window." Luis knocked on the wall and a portion of the wall collapsed. dust flew and made us cough. my first thought was to release jessica.I moved and sadlyI couldn't get far enough david stood with her guarding her.
" hmmm this silk is thin . . .  so thin it's transparent , yet as strong as a bullet resistant window." said Luis as he turned to jessica " look at your. . . what is he to you. . . your boyfriend?" he turned and looked through the window.I looked and saw eddie with the same thing on the neck as jessica but the fork was impaled on his chest. Eddie's face was a mess his left eyes was closing his lip was busted his nose was in a slanted position.
" NOOOOOO!!!!!" yelled jessica
" Silence" yelled Luis " Lester has he spoken" asked Luis
" No he hasn't he has been quite persistent.I influenced the fork to hurt him abit" said Lester as he looked at the fork and punched it to make it go deeper.
" aghhhhhhhh!!!!" yelled eddie.
"I will kill you for this" yelled jessica
" i'm sorry for this " said Luis he turned around and punched jessica in the face.I saw blood  spill from jessica's face.
" NOOOO!!!"I yelled and rushed to jessica side. David tackled me beforeI could reach her.
" calm down ! you need to remember your position!" yelled david as he tried to overpower me.
i got him off of me and stood upI took two more steps whenI got hit on the back of my head.I fell to the ground.I couldn't move my arms, my legsI couldn't move them.
" What the fuck is wrong with me . . .I  . . .I can't move"I said panicking.
" sorry Robert. you were beginning to be a threat to me and everyone on this baseI had to neutralize you." said david
" This isn't right she is my sister."I said.
" we know it isn't right but we need to get our hands dirty we have no other choice. . .I don't take pleasure by torturing someone, but it must be done." said david.
in the back groundI could hear jessica in painI could hear the punches that connected to jessica.I was angry butI couldn't move. david walked towards me and picked me up.
"I'mgoing to sit you down by the wall" said david and did as he said.
i could see the blood on jessica's faceI could see all the punches thrown at her.I was uselessI couldn't protect my own sibling.
" robert you okay?" asked david.
i didn't answer. david walked to Luis and whispered something.
"I must hurry up, he won't last." said Luis
" Lester move faster." said Luis
i turned and faced lester and eddieI could only see the back of eddie's hair,I perfectly saw lester he leaned in and pulled a knife out of his pocket. he raised the knife up, higher than  eddies face.
" tell me who attacked those camps and why?!" yelled lester
Eddie didn't answer
Lester plunged the knife into whatI believe was his leg.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!! FUCK " yelled eddie
" tell me whatI want to know.!" said Lester
" leave him alone" said jessica
david slapped her " you should worry about yourself. Luis"
Luis approached with a knife that was glowing white
" Luis STOP THIS DON'T HURT HER"I yelled I didn't even notice how he heated up the blade, but that didn't matter I had to stop Luis.I created a portal underneath me,I fell right through it. Once I went through it I saw Luis inching closer to her.I stopped in mid air.
" what the hell!!"I yelled I was suspended in mid air.I looked at Luis who was sweating and breathing heavily.I swung my body and I  heard a cling I was caught by a chain, but how there was nothing there before.I was tangled in a chain now I could see all of lester in the other room and I couldn't see jessica's face.
"well robert now you can't do anything to us you can't move and your ability well its useless now that you're there" he continued to walk toward jessica. " now who attacked the other greek camps?" said Luis
"you will all die " said jessica
" wrong answer" said Luis as he stabbed her with the glowing knife.
"AHHAHHAHHHHGGGHGHHHH!!!" she yelled in pain
" who is attacking us" said Luis as he retracted the blade.
jessica sat in silence
" very well" said Luis and stabbed her again.
"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" yelled jessica
"tell me " said Luis as he started to stab jessica repetitively.
jessica coughed blood she didn't even have time to yell in pain.
"Are you hoping for death jessica, huh?, are you?" said david " you see death is too nice killing our prisoners would be pointless. so what we will do is put you close to death but we won't kill you" continued david as Luis kept stabbing jessica.
" the blade will cut you but you won't bleed out. the heat of the blade itself will close the wound so we can cause more pain without letting you bleed out" said david " ohh keep your chin up that fork thing isn't to intimidate its to actually hurt you." said david as he waved his hand to Luis. Luis stopped stabbing jessica. the blade was now glowing red orange. david walked slowly to jessica. " we can't kill you but . . ." he turned around and looked at the other room. " he will taste death. we will play with him for a hour. then maybe  we will put him in the bronze bull to torture him and kill him slowly. . . till then you or him better tell us what  we want to know." david said as he walked out of the room.
" you know the only suckish thing about this little prison is that you can hear everything in both rooms sooo once you decide to give us the information . . . give us a shout" said Luis as he walked out of the room.
" jessica bursted into tears she was sobbing.I couldn't bring myself to speak.
" eddie umm about your girlfriend I see why you like her . . ." said Luis as he walked in.
" she does have quite an exotic look you know what I mean eddie"
" DID YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!!!!!!" yelled eddie.
Luis smiled coldly. there are many ways to break one's spirit for her it was that she is broken. . . pitty it was fun though but now you can hear her cry . . . cry like the little bitch she is" said Luis
"AHHHHHHHHHH YOU FUCKER!!!!" yelled eddie as he broke from the chains that held him down.
" good" said Luis he held his arm up  as too hold their ground. " dont take out your weapons. lets make this fun and fair" said Luis as he pulled a sword out. " here" said Luis as he threw the sword to eddie and caught it. he examined the weapon and threw it away.
"Now I was trying to make things fair." said Luis
"I will be easy to kill all of you with my bear hands" said eddie
" hahahha good joke' said david.
"you get three punches after the third we will attack" said Luis
" your doom" eddie rushed in and tried to hit Luis.
Luis dodged the hit the first punch by just dodging the attack. Eddie followed up up with another hit this time it inched closer to Luis face. Once again eddie followed up with another attack. eddie tried to kick Luis but this time Luis deflected the hit and went for attack. as he deflected the hit Luis attacked the knee cap. CRACK.
"AAAAAGHHHHH!!!" yelled eddie in pain
eddie collapsed to the floor. " David, Lester have fun with him make sure he bleeds." said Luis as he walked out of the room.
"this will hurt I promise" said David as he grabbed a wood stick. it was sharpened at one end.
"What's the story of jesus christ, you romans did what to him?" said David as he inched closers.
"Fuck you!" yelled Eddie
David reached for eddies face. eddie didn't move he was petrified. david grabbed his face from the cheeks and chin. David smiled coldly.
"now ill ask you one more time, who is attacking our camps and why." said david
" your full of shit " said Eddie
"ha funny" replied david as he grabbed and extended eddies arm in a quick motion he stabbed the joint in between his arm and forearm. CRACK! his elbow popped. he started to yell.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" he yelled but then his pain ended in laughter. "I knew you were full of shit." said eddie.
david grabbed his broken arm and pinned it to the wall.
"agh" yelled eddie " let go " he said.
david stabbed the palm of eddie into the wall
eddie tried to set loose but david grabbed the other hand overpowered him. david pinned eddie's hand to the wall opposite and stretched out from his other hand. and took another wooden stick that lester passed to him. he went in and stabbed eddies pinned hand.
"FUCK!!!" he yelled
" who is it! why they attacking us!" yelled david
" FUCK you. insignificant . . ." david spread eddies legs he moved to the left and hit his leg with a kick right in the knee cap. the leg bent inwards now, both legs have been crippled.I looked at eddie his face red and in pain.I looked at jessica she was still sobbing but quietly.
" AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" yelled eddie in pain.
david got another wooden stick and stabbed eddie in the foot both foots. eddie was now crucified.
"agh shit, fuck you. . ." said eddie but was stopped by the back of lester's hand
" now my turn." lester took out a dagger he stepped back "lets see hmm"
lester threw the dagger and it landed next to eddie's right leg barely scratched it. he eddie grinned
"hmm the drug in that blade should come in effect soon" said lester
" what are you tal. . ." eddie froze in place the starts to move again. " w-w-what have you done to me  . . ."
"huh you have a good resistance against this poison. Good I get to throw more knifes but first, sadly, I must ask the same question. before that, this poison can be treated allI have the antidote tell me what we want and you shall live. . .  now tell me who is attacking our camps and why?" asked lester
eddie was quiet.
" you dont give me a sign of life I will just confirm the kill." warned lester
lester waited for a respond " hmm maybe you are dead" lester picked up another knife and aimed at eddie.
" maybe we should go ask jessica maybe have a little more fun with her before we kill her" said david as he turned and headed to the door.
"Stop dont you fucking touch her" yelled eddie
as eddie yelled lester threw the knife and landed in eddies lower body.
" aghhh!" yelled eddie but quickly died.
eddie frozen once again.
" you can hear me yes" said lester " the poison. . . Botulinum  toxin paralyzes the body every single muscle in the body. ha even the brain and heart, wonder if you can understand me.I hope it doesn't kill you i'm not done playing with you plus I still need to know," finished lester as eddie's body slowly relaxed. eddie was breathing slowly.I looked to jessica and she has stopped crying she was standing up but Luis appeared and got her on a neck hold and covered her mouth. he started to punch her side of her ribcage and she yelled.The muffled sound sounded like a moan,I turned and looked at eddie.
david smiled and said " looks like Luis is having a little fun with your girlfriend."
" ill kill you" said eddie in a whisper.
" ha not if I kill you first " said lester as he grabbed another knife. he threw the knife. the knife landed on eddie's chest. right where his heart should be. he lifted his head coughed blood,and his eyes widen, and quickly the light of his eyes faded. eddie was dead.
"NOOOO!!!!!" yelled jessica.
i turned and saw jessica, she has watched everything.
"EDDIE!!!!!!" she kept on yelling  then once again she bursted into tears. Luis let her go and she fell on the floor crying.
Luis, lester, david, and I were just quiet. jessica crying filled the room.
" jessica"I said " please tell us what we want, and I promise you if you do tell us you will be let free"
" K-K-kill me" she said trying to stop her crying.
" tell me what we want to know. and i'll promise you suffering will end " said Luis
david and lester walked in the room they had brought eddie's  body and threw him on the ground. jessica crawled to the body and hugged it. she kissed its forehead and looked up, her eyes were bloody red she creaked as she started to talk. " E-Eddie a-and i, w-we r-ran a-away f-from our friends. they were a-attacking other demigods, t-they wanted their resource, a-and territory. w-we needed it to defend ourselves f-from the vikings."
Luis interrupted jessica " Vikings? shit why why didn't you guys just talk to us instead of killing each other we could of joined forces and taken on the vikings together."
" w-we knew you guys wouldn't believe us, a-and greek and romans don't have a f-friendly relationship." continued jessica
"FOR GOODNESS SAKE WE HAVE THE SAME PARENTS, YOU ROMANS AND US ARE BROTHERS AND SISTER. WE ARE FAMILY!!!"I bursted out in anger. and everything died we stood in silence, jessica again tried to calm down.
" is that all" asked Luis
"y-yes" said jessica
" very well as promised i'll liberate you of your misery." said Luis as he grabbed his dagger and reached for jessica.
" Luis DON'T!"I yelled but it was to late Luis picked up jessica with one hand he was choking her, he pinned her to the wall and stabbed jessica right on her heart. she spit out blood. she looked in pain but she managed a smile.
" thank you" she managed to say with a smile 
i felt sleepy and my vision started turning yellow I pasted out.
"FUCK!!!!!!!" yelled a voice
my eyes burst open and I grasped for air.I was on the floor of the cave my body felt like static.
" what happened?"I asked I looked around and saw david also getting up from the floor, jessica was on the chair tied up. everyone was shaking their head and looking dizzy. Luis opened the door and walked in carrying lester and eddie.
"A little help" said Luis. david stood up and help Luis with eddie
" Robert you okay are you back to yourself?" asked Luis
" yea . . . wait what you mean"I asked
" during the dream you were linked to jessica due to your bloodline" said Luis " she manipulated you to help her, the good part is that she wasn't conscious about her doing that." finished Luis
" wait what? Dream? what the hell was that I, you guys broke my spine and left me hanging."I said in anger.
" yes because you were being controlled, but now you are one of us now remember who you are" said Luis
"I'm confused I was not losing myself in that illusion? Dream?"I said " look explain to me what happened"I asked " why are these two still out cold."I said
"we killed jessica and eddie you do remember right?" asked Luis " they are on a comma might last an hour maybe a day. Jessica was the host everything was inside her brain, all of our brains were connected for about . . . " luis pulled out a watch " 23 minutes"
"How" I said
"as a child of hypnos I feel everything in my dreams it's like another life, but death wakes you up"  said Luis
"so that's why you always late to training in the mornings" said David
"shut it" barked Luis
"hahahaha" Laughed David
"Soo why are they in a coma?" I asked
" well they aren't children of Hypnos. . ." Said Luis but was interrupted by Lester " neither are us three" said Lester as he pointed to me and David.
" yes but you guys didn't die . . . Robert probably feels his body numb" said Luis as he looked at me. I thought numb why would. a instance of pain attacked me.
" agh" I yell in pain and fell to the ground.
" what's going on!" Yelled Lester
" his body woke up there was a lot of pressure on his  body " said Luis
" that doesn't even make sense" said David
" for crying out loud . . . His body all his muscles are cramping " yelled Luis
My eyesight faded . . . I blacked out.
"Robert" said a voice " you can hear me you know my voice . . . Open your eyes "
I open my eyes but there's just darkness. A familiar darkness
" hello babe" says the voice behind me
"Efah" I say as I turn around I see her in a dress, a white dress she has a tight necklace.
" miss me babe?" She starts to walk towards me
". . . " I couldn't speak
She leans in and kisses me.
"I'm coming to visit you and that new weapon of yours Felix." Said Efah
" no I- I . . . " I said as I choked on my words
" killed me , Hahahaha babe you nearly imprisoned me in Tartarus. You loved me and still do you couldn't bring yourself to kill me." She said as she placed her fingers on my lips and slides them to my chin. She grabbed me and pulled me in for another kiss. I backed away.
" w-why did you kill him. . ." I said in the verge of tears " why did you kill them!!!" I yelled "Hector you slayed him in practice, you ran for your life but waited for me and the group to hunt you down, you killed Nathan infront of me. why. . .  you only kill them  . . . why didn't you kill me!!!" I yelled at her
" because I love you of course" she said smiling
"Stop fucking toying with me" I said
" I do babe I do " she hugged me I couldn't move I was paralyzed
" well Nathan followed hector a lot. Hector was bound to be his mentor." Said Efah
" what the hell does that have to do with anything" I said
" the gods wanted to kill the titans they forged weapons to aid demigods on this quest, but these weapons become normal in the hands of someone who doesn't have the blessing of a god." said Efah " Hector was being recognized by hepatus, he saw the potential of his power, and was preparing his weapon. you knew this too robert, Hector son of athena, bright bastard he wound me enough to leave a trail of who attacked him, , , he never stood a chance and he knew that, with that first blow he was bound to die." Efah looked rather sad. " I  just wished he hadn't  made me bleed or id still be by your side." Efah grabbed and hugged my hand she jumped and kissed my cheek.
'You'd still have to kill nathan." i said
"mhmm yes i probably should little bitch would follow the footsteps of hector and become a new assassin of titans. my father Erebus found the titan kronus a bit amusing, he found a lot of hate inside him, a lot of explosion and chaos, as a good boy my father wanted to please his so he wants to aid the titan kronus. your grandfather has lost that spark, but his kin have not."
"his kin?" i said
"demi-titans, what you thought gods were the only ones to mess with mortals? My Father is above titans and fooled with mortals." said Efah
" great so we are being attack by our half brothers, The romans, those dirty vikings and now our uncles the demi-titans." I said
"yes. . . I have to go they seemed to be wanting to wake you up. . . be warned  i will kill Felix and you will die, i can't do anything to save you i'm sorry babe. good bye see you soon." said Efah
"wait Efah. Efah! EFAH!!" i yelled and woke up. i sweating I saw David holding my arm, lester was standing looking down on me luis was guarding the prisoners.
"t-thaat was a bad cramp." I said
"yea that looked painful sorry about that" said luis
"agh" I stood up " dont worry you did what you had too" I looked up and I heard foot steps. Ian burst into the room.
"SIR!!" yelled Ian "FELIX IS DYING" I turned at looked at Ian. No way. did she already make her move, did Efah attack Felix?
"where is felix?" I asked
" in his quarters but he is being moved to the Medbay" said Ian calming down
I summoned a portal
" Luis, Ian on me david, lester stay and  guard the prisoners." i said and jumped through the portal.
I appeared in the medbay, followed by Ian and Luis. I looked around john was putting his hands on felix body. covered in blood jack came with a heated up blade.
" Move out of the way!!!" yelled jack
John let go of the injury and blood started to ooze out. jack quickly put the burning blade to felix injury. felix didn't even yell he was out cold. I walked towards them.
" what happened?" i asked
" we don't know" said jack
"what did you guys see?" i asked
"John and I went into talk to Felix, after we finished we left to our own rooms, but before we gone too far we heard felix yelp, like he hit himself. We went back and we saw him collapsing to the floor surrounded by blood." said Jeck.
"Jack and John rally your team, you will guard felix until he recuperates." i said
"i don't think he will make it." said David as he interrupted me
"what why!?" i asked
"he lost a lot of blood he will die if we don't give him some."
"ill give my blood to him" said john
"no your a lycan if we give him your blood he might die," i said
"okay then let's give him my blood." said jack.
"no good, if we give him blood of any other blood that's not his own such as artemis children, he will die we cannot save him." i said
"there has to be away we can not let him die "said jack
"why, why not hes a lost cause in a few hours he will be dead," said david
"dude not cool " i said " look for herbs something to help him" i touched felix hand. his fingertips, they were getting cold. "ill be back" i said. i summoned a portal and i went through it i closed it right away.
Home is rather cold. I walked past the gates. i felt a presence i haven't felt in a long time. i was attacked.

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