Chapter 4 Guardian

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We caught up the goblins, those short bastards were fast the horses were good enough to reach them
"Fire " Jack, the other demigod and I shot arrows at some of the goblins we completely caught up to them and some of the goblins were trampled. The sound of the bones cracking and blood gushing out made me feel happy, satisfied. Miguel swung a huge battle axe cutting the goblins like butter. My dad unconscious just layed in the floor, the last of the goblins pulled back we reached my father.
I was glad. I hugged him even tho he couldn't feel it, I didn't care I was glad to have him back
" rescue team to HQ we got our objective we will hold our ground till extraction arrives" Miguel said into the radio
Quickly one of the unknown soldiers took of their helmet and grinned he extended his arm towards me and said " hello you must be Felix, I'm Max "
I greeted him he later said " this here is Angel, he's a moron but whatever good soldier tho "
I looked at this angel and looked away I just wanted to get my father to safety " Miguel report how much longer for evac" Max ordered
" hey hey calma la you're not my squad leader, I too am a guardian . . . And 2 mins "
On cue a arrow flew and hit Miguel on the shoulder he flinched back and broke the arrow he threw a knife to the darkness of the jungle, a screech was heard followed by a strong roar that knocked me off my feet
" battle formation " Miguel yelled
Everyone lined up in a line in front of my father
"Felix you're the last line of defense so you're a archer, here " miguel handed me his quiver for more arrows " we will deflect the arrows and deal with melee enemies you pick off as many enemies archers and well any enemies you see"
I stood in the back quiet I cursed, these bastards goblins don't give up. I grabbed my bow and pulled it back and shot an arrow. I heard the arrow fly through the air,hitting a target and the target screaming followed by dead silence. I Looked down and saw one of my father's knives and grabbed it. I thought if they get close up and personal well now I'm ready
First wave of goblins rushed towards us they were fast. I shot arrows like a mad man some how they hit, i didn't miss a single target. I thought I saw a arrow curve and hit one of the goblins but frankly I didn't have time to care, I kept firing.
Arrows and goblins attacked, most arrows missed the defensive line but those that were going to hit the defensive line were deflected by the five men while taking out goblins.
" remember your training" Miguel shouted at the demigods as he snapped an arrow from the air and stabbed a goblin with it
" of course we will master" yelled Jack as he grabbed a goblin as a shield and many arrows struck his goblin shield, he quickly proceeded to slit the goblin's neck and then kicked the goblin off him.
Andrea angel and Max were fighting as well as Jack but Miguel he was at another level, he left his position and the demigods closed the line. Miguel continued to advance his blade covered in green but it started to heat up and started to glow orange. He was heating up, then he swung his sword and Fire bursted off of it burning the in coming goblins and creating a firewall
" ha I didn't even have to use my axe" miguel turned and looked at Jack "what . . . " he looked back at the fire " ohh don't worry the fire is under my control it won't burn anything Pam would be happy, his apprentice survived because of this and no tree were hurt" Miguel turned and saw a tree on fire " oooooohhhhh sorry"
" we're is evac" shouted Jack
"30 seconds a. . . " Miguel was cut off a arrow hit him in the leg
"Push forward " Jack ordered
I yelled " stand your ground I'll get him " I rushed to grab Miguel and dodged several arrows " damn it, these are the longest 2 mins " I cursed as I grabbed Miguel then I started to drag him then I stopped I didn't think it through I could dodge the arrows but Miguel he was wounded he couldn't. Then a arrow hit me, it entered my body barely missing one of my rib cage bones.
"Ahhhhhhh" I yelled in pain
Miguel stood up and through me back to where the rest of the demigods were I turned around as a rain of arrows fell and hit miguel full on. His entire body was covered in arrows his blood oozed out.
"Aggggggggggghgghhhhhhhhhhh" he shreecked in pain. Then he started to glow his body started to grow I heard his bones Pop as he became bigger his clothes was ripped but he wasn't naked. Hair grew, a lot of hair, brown hair his face started to change his nose stretched and his nose turned black his eyes brown, and looked fierce, miguel had turned into a giant bear, as he did so his firewall died off and goblins poured to surround us Miguel or what ever he is a bear I guess, he pounced on the goblins and slashed them like butter, he charged and destroyed several trees that goblins were using as snipping nests, we stood astonished for the goblins had taken several casualties and started to fall back
" uhhhmmm where's evac" Jack asked
The bear turned around and roared as if saying it will be here any minute now
The bear started to shift back to Miguel he collapsed, very badly wounded his cuts or injuries healed but he had lost too much blood he was unconscious. Everyone but me rushed towards him. I was afraid who. . . What the hell is a guardian, what the hell am I ?
Before I could go in deep thought a group of teens and some adults came out of the jungle. They were extraction team they helped pick up my father and Miguel. We didn't walk back to the warehouse, we started to walk straight through where the goblins attacked us and where they have been holding their ground to try and kill us. As I walked through the corpses, a disgusting stench hit me. As we walked I felt eyes on me, i looked around and saw many goblins bodies, some still alive still conscious they groaned in pain. Jack stepped closed to one of the goblins who was cut in half his guts out of his body leading down to were his legs should be
" you. . . You pathetic demigods my. . . My brothers will k-k-kill you all of you . . . " goblin spoke as he started coughing blood.
" maybe" said Jack " but for now. . . " he drew his sword and plunged it into the goblin's body, it squealed in pain but quickly died " we stay triumph "
Jack turned around with rage in his eyes " find the rest of the survivors and finish them " he ordered everyone even the extraction team. Quickly they all moved to find alive goblins and finish them off. I too was looking for goblins. I found one in a tree impaled by an arrow, my arrow, he was stuck to a tree. I climbed the tree and was sitting on a branch just below the goblin I looked at him he looked at me,scared his eyes full of fear, but not about me, he was afraid about death what comes after it. I took a arrow from my quiver, I look at him and place my hand on his eyes and force him to close them. He inhales and then exhales. I stab the arrow in his heart. I know it is his heart because I felt the beat and which quickly fades.

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