Chapter 10 A year later

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" checkpoint Charlie reached"I informed HQ  " going in the building"I continued
I felt a hand touch my left shoulder. It was john followed by Jack. We learned in the side of a wall he were waiting to breach the door in front of us. Tap tap . . . Time slowed down john's hand was lifted and fell back to my shoulder "tap"I bursted through the door. My chain sword drawn.  A gush of wind was coming my way.I couldn't see it butI could sense itI jumped out of the way .I landed and looked up three harpies.I smiled " squad attack"I shouted asI ran to the first Harpie, it lunged at me with its talonsI dodged and cut one of its wing and then kept going to the back of the Harpie.I kicked it pushing it to jack who entered the room.I saw the second Harpie move her wings and a huge gush of wind was headed my way. Something fury touched my shoulders and picked me up. Jack turned to a Lycan and threw me out of the way. He stood his ground and took the gush of wind head on.i quickly got up and the third Harpie charged at me in. A straight long distance. " heh"I smiled asI pulled my bow out and took aim. Three light arrows appeared. " mother . . . "I said "guide me"I let go of the three arrows one landed on the harpies shoulder another one on its heart and the final arrow landed of the harpies forehead killing it.I turned and saw Jack dodging the wounded harpies attacks. John was just feasting on the harpies dead body.I walked towards Jack and stopped " need help?"I asked.
" naI got it " he said in one breath. As he did the Harpie lunged and slashed Jack, he barely dodged the attack.I panicked and grabbed one of my throwing knifes and threw it.I hit the Harpie on the back and it tried to pull it out Jack plunged his sword into the Harpie. It started to vaporize. Gold had that effect on monsters.
"I saidI had" Jack was cut off
" dinner's almost ready. . . " a Harpie opened a basement door and stopped at its track. John quickly killed her. Blood gushed from the deadly blow John made on the Harpie. It's neck covered in blood and more blood came out.
" show off"I said
" dinner?" Said Jack " let's check it out.
I nodded and we ran to the basement.
Once in the basement some smell hit us a bad smell.
" ugh what is that smell" whimpered John as he morphed back to a human
" dead bodies" said Jack
"Great "I commented. We reached a door there were only candles which had no sent because the smell of rotting bodies filled the air.
" ready" Jack said "I tapped his shoulder and John tapped mine.
Jack bursted Through the door and went in. A few seconds passed.
" get in here we got hostages" yelled Jack we went in and two teenagers were tied together a boy and a girl
" well what we waiting for untie them" we hurried and did as told the girl started to sob. " agh no time for this John picked her upI helped the boy up and lend him my shoulder. We walked out the stair and back to the room with the dead harpies.
" HQ we got two survivors possibly demigods"I said " roger that" said HQ
" who are you " asked Jack
" I'm Eddie son of mars , this is Jessica daughter of Pluto" our eyes widened. "Romans"
" we are Greeks " said John
"  doesn't matter you guys aren't the first Greeks to save us" said Eddie
" what did you say!?" Asked Jack " who else saved you." Some guy named Jonathan and the other not sure in his name but he was the son of the blacksmith."
" you're coming with us "I said
" whatever we are tired and could use some rest." Said Eddie
" HQ this is golden alpha, we found Romans and taking them to base for questioning. . . Jonathan" said Jack " roger, we will meet up with silver and bronze alpha" we got up and started to run through the jungle.I have been here in la Palma for about a year or more.I have grown in this place much more than another place. This is my home. It has also been a year dunces my father and stepmother leftI haven't heard from them sinces.
" Felix dude you're okay?" Asked John
" huh"I responded leaving my train of thought behind
" you seemed distanced" John continued " what's the matter is it my lycan form or is it the Romans?"
" ah. . . "I could bring my mouth to speak
" if you want to we can kill them here" John stopped running and so did jack. They drew their swords and pointed them at the Romans.
" wow wow man what we do" said Eddie
" several of our camps have been attacked in the past months. . . Your kind aren't exactly loving and caring." Said Jack
I stood there quietly thinking
" hey Jessica andI haven't attacked or killed anything" a sword inched closer to eddie's neck " look man we haven't done crap"
Jessica stood up and slammed into John his sword went flying Jack attacked. He went for the kill, Jessica hit the blade with a open palm deflecting the attack. John's sword fell to the ground Eddie grabbed it and pointed it to me.I just stood there in thought. InstinctivelyI drew my chain swordI went for a attack without arming the sword and used it as a whip.I attacked and the sword wrapped around the sword.I brought Eddie closed enough to headbutt him. We was stunned soI disarmed him. Once disarmedI kicked him on the chest so he would stay stunned. Eddie moved back andI went to choke him. My hand wrapped around eddie's neck he started to struggle, to fight for air. Felix stop yelled a familiar voice in my head. Bon? Where you been?I said doesn't matter don't kill him Felix, said Bon Hmm where is angelI haven heard from him in a long time ever since that night. . .I started to remember.I remembered so much pain. Anger grew and so did my grip on eddie's neck.
" stop now " yelled Jessica as she tries to stand from the floor.I didn't see jack taking her down butI didn't care.
"Eddie . . . Die"I raised my chain sword and armed it.I felt a little grin on my face eddie's eyes were full of fear.I started liking that look. SlowlyI edged the blade closer and closer to eddie's body. He stopped fighting.I looked at him and he was passed out.
" Damn it joy killer"I said wow what's wrong with me?I asked to Bon inside my head. You are full of hatred. . . Everyone has their own demons, yours feeds of your hatred and take other. But that's also you. Said bon
" Felix let him go"I turned and saw Paulina my heart made a jump but quickly died.I continued to remember whyI was in pain.I tried killing myselfI was alone my father and stepmother away on their mission. Miguel was dead just like ceaser. Paulina she never loved me just played me. SoI did itI tried to slit my throat. My fist clenched and my sword went in eddie's shoulder.
" aghhhhhhhhh!!!" He yelled in pain
" noooo!!!" Yelled Jessica she tried to attack me but Jack held her down John trying to stay human just looked at us.
" stay awake or I'll stab you again."I threaten Eddie.
" we're did they go"I asked
" w-who" Eddie asked
I took out my blade and dropped itI put pressure on eddie's injury " Jonathan and his companion"I yelled
" they they saved us from the legion." Said Eddie
" what legion"I asked
" the one we were in" he answered
" what were their objectives "I asked
" territory and resources" he answered
" is that the legion attacking our camps!"I yelled
". . ."
" answer me"I shook Eddie
" aghhh!!! yes. yes!!! aghhhhhh!!!we were part of that group?" Eddie Screamed in pain
" we're did Jonathan go."I asked
" he wentI don't know" said Eddie
I pressed the wound even more.
" aghhhhhhh ahhhhhhh!!!" Yelled Eddie but it quickly died Eddie passed out.
" great"I cursed asI put him down and grabbed my sword and was about to stab him to wake him up asI raised my swordI was stopped by Jessica
"Jonathan went to another Greek camp. He didn't say why." Jessica said trying to save eddie's life.
"Take them to our camp "I ordered as John knocked out Eddie while Jack pulled some of rag and put it on Jessica's face. She passed out as well.
" really " said john " you carry that.
" nope it's a perk from being a child of Aphrodite. It's a perfume similar to chloroform." He said
" let's. . ."I paused forI heard tree branches rattle. we all turned to the noise and drew our swords.
" steady"I said five demigods bursted out of the rattling trees. Andrea David Luis Ruben and  Lester .
" wow happy to see us" said David as he walked to us. " come on Robert is waiting for . . . Uh who are they?" Asked David
" Romans possible threat they have info we need to extract from them."I said
" yay torture" said Ruben
" let's go "I said
I passed by Paulina. . .
I let out a tear and just keeps going.
We arrived back to our camp close to night.
" hey Ian open the gate . . . Alpha team is back. We need to talk to Robert" said David
" yes sir!! " yelled Ian. Ian is a little kid no older than 13 he was kinda the mascot of this camp we all love him and protect him.
The doors opened and we all walked in. We were surrounded by allies they all saw the Romans and were speechless.
" prisoners?" Someone in the crowd ask
" that's not our way" someone else said
" look" yelled David " we need information, they are the key to it. . . Take them to our dungeon"
A group of soldiers came to David and took Jessica and Eddie " sir to where exactly?" Said one of the soldiers.
" take them to arachne's lair, tell her to guard these prisoners." Said David.
" yes sir "responded a soldier.
" alpha team let's report to HQ" said David we all followed David.I tried my best not to stay way behind. . .I was avoiding a conversation, soI kept up with David. We reached the center building in the prison, we reached HQ. When we entered Robert stood looking at a map with crosses 4 crosses. The crosses were all over the map.
" alpha team reporting" said David. Robert turned around and waited.
" we found two Romans soldiers who may have information on Jonathan's where about" said David and as he did Robert's eyes widened.
" and " he said
" they will be interrogated" said David
" hmmm" poundered robert. we waited
" David you're dismissed from alpha team's command " said Robert out of nowhere.
" w-w-wh" stuttered David
"Felix you are now in command of alpha team. There is a new mission for your team. Gear up" said Robert.
We started to walk away but Robert stopped us. " David, Jack, and Felix a word " he said
We all gathered." first thing first. Alpha team will need one new member. Second this implies to Felix. . . Ugh . . . Your father and stepmother have been lost, we can't find them. . ." Robert said butI cut him off
" what!!!!?"I yelled
" calm down briefing isn't over" Robert continued " in lued of changing command of alpha team. David you will become my right hand here in command." He turned to David "I need someone to trust who better than someI know sinceI was 10."
David smiled " okay."
" are we done?!"I bursted again.
" hmm yea" said Robert
" what the hell happened to my parents!?"I shouted.
" last report said that they were headed to Cahuita in Costa Rica. They were on the move from a town in bocas del toro providence. A town called el silencio. Somewhere in that line they were lost. Your team's mission is to figure out what happened and report back for further mission expansion." Robert said
Jack held his hand up.
" yea?" asked Robert
" why amI here?" Asked Jack
" you and John are now head of the team you guys will become squad leaders and report to Felix. . . " Robert face palmed himself."I didn't tell  John to stay huh. . . Sigh. . . Well whatever you guys will fill him in. Dismiss."
Jack andI walked out of HQ
Once we were in the hallway Jack extended his arm and stopped me. " Felix. . . Don't dismiss my sister from this teammates. Please, this is the only wayI can protect herI know she did something to hurt you but please let me protect her through this squad."
I had forgotten how much powerI had, but that was not on my head." Yea sure no problem."I pushed jack's hand and kept walking. New recruit huh wait doI have to look for one or will he be issued by HQ?I thought to myself.  What would my dad be doing "Agh"I just remembered they are missing in action.I need to find them.I went to my tent. I'm going to need to stack of Herbs ,throwing knifes, string, arrows and that tool to sharpen my again sword never tried remembering what it's called " agh" sharpening this chain sword is and will be a pain.
" knock knock" said John and walked in behind him Jack followed. " so Jack told me we aren't in the same squad but still same team." Said John.
" yea' I said asI started to sharpen my chain sword.
" cool said John as he scratch his bite mark/scar.
" you don't have fleas now do you?" Asked Jack
" naaa man I'm wearing my anti-fleas coller" said John sarcastically.
"Hahahahaha" we all bursted laughing
" lord Felix lord Felix!!!" A voice quite familiar was yelling from our side the tent.
" uh come in?"I said
Ian came in " my lord here Robert I mean commander Robert sent me to give you this ." Said Ian trying to show respect to us.
" Ian I'm no lord I'm just Felix alright. Be being promoted to team captain doesn't mean I'm a lord"I pet his head and took the letter. Ian walked out.I read the letter.
" what is it "asked Jack.
" our new and improved team. They removed Luis and Lester."
Dear Felix
Your new team
alpha team
      Felix        Jack        John.  
     Isaac       Andrea     Ruben
    Justin       Paulina    Jesus
-sincerely yours truly
I handed the letter to Jack and Jack handed it to John.
" well he gets to the point" said John
" yea he does" said Jack
" who the hell are the new recruits. . . and i thought he said one person."I asked.
" hmmmI believe they are fresh new recruits" said Jack
" which means " said John
"They just finished basic training. Fresh meat." Said Jack
" seriously"I said
"Mhmm" gestured Jack
" how you know." Asked John
" come on Aphrodite kin are supposed to know anything going on where they live." Said Jack
" you mean gossip"I said
" uh yea . . . Well gossip sounds so wrongI prefer. . ." Jack stopped to think of a word. " no yeah gossip."
We all bursted out laughing.
" hahah so what did they do to get in a gossip." Said John
" ha well umm let's see what was it. . . " Jack poundered " oh yes they were found fighting an army of orcs. They were fighting like 'demons'." Said Jack
" parents?"I asked
"Zeus, Ares, Hepatus." Said Jack
"Zeus eh."I said " interesting combination. . . Who is from who."
" Isaac is Ares. Jesus is Zeus. Justin is Hepatus." Said Jack
" well doesn't sound too bad but why have they been put into this team.?" Asked John.
" seeing how we fight many monsters in a single mission even if it's just patrol. . . We could use more soldiers."I said " plus they got combat experience so they ain't that fresh."
" hmm right" said John
We stood in silence thinking.I was wondering how well will they fit in the team.
" wellI better get geared up" said Jack as he stood up and shook john's hand and mine
" yeaI need to sharpen my fangs" said John as he also left.
Once againI was aloneI sat down on my bed out of all the timeI have been her in campI haven't used my bed as much asI should.I decided to lay down. A cold chill ran through my body.I stood up quickly and armed my sword.I stood waiting for something to happen but nothing happenedI disarmed my sword and threw it on top of my bed but somehow missed dropped to the flow and slid under my bed.
" damn it"I said
I ducked under my bed reached for itI successfully grabbed it and pulled it out. AsI was getting upI didn't pay attention to my beds support frame.I hit my head on the frame
"Agh!"I yelled in pain " ouch ouch ouch Ouuuch"I said asI got up.
Felix said a voice inside me .I turned around and saw bon standing. Just likeI saw him about a year ago " what the hell"I said.
Bon started to get teared up. You could save caesar yet he saved you.
"I was weak Bon"I said
I died protecting you jeniffer almost everyone in my team died protecting you. Now even Miguel died trying to save you . . . You . . . You weak piece of shit. You should of died
" BonI did die andI tried to save migu-"I was cut off by Bon
Nooo!! You let him die you should die too. Bon armed my sword and launched at me.I dodged Bon slashed at meI dodgedI was cornered Bon went for a stab.I was stunnedI turned and saw angel and jeniffer hold me in place.  My sword inched to my heartI deflected it with my hand but it wasn't good enoughI only lowered it and it went through me it hit me below my stomach.
" ahhhhhhhhg"I yelled
Die. Said BonI looked at him. His face was lifelessI closed my eyes. This really hurts.I could feel my blood oozing out of my body,I opened my eyes and everyone was goneI looked down and saw my own hand holding the hilt of my blade while the other had pushed it down.
I-I-i did this to myself. WasI going crazy. Angel and Bon were in my head how on earth did they appear in person. My legs felt weakI dropped to my kneesI took the sword out of me.
" agh!!!!"I yelled
Why amI trying to kill myself. Why are those three trying to kill me. My ears popped. My vision started to become yellow.I looked down andI was surrounded by a puddle of my own blood. My vision turned black.I fell into darkness and felt my body touch the floor.
"I need blood " yelled Roberts voice. " he passed out hurry . . . Felix . . . Felix!!!!!!"

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