As Aron dragged me to the group I realized he was pulling  me by my had so I drew back. He stopped and turned he looked me in my eyes " don't worry people are not looking" . I wondered how he knew what I was freaking out about . He then grabbed my wrist and started running "Yet" mumbled Aron .I drew back and gave him a cold expression. He looked confused yet had caring eyes . I stormed of into the gym because I hate unwanted attention.

When I had my friend from middle school who got bullied I remember how hard I trained to get those bullies back. I had scares ad cuts a scrapes all over my body and by the time I was ready to be able to protect him he left the school. Because of that I always put all myself into a fight because I weren't so weak he would still be with me here , he would still be my best friend .

We caught with the group the gym. I've never seen a gym like this . It was filled with all sorts of weapons like swords to grenades. Mr . Lux began to speak " we are here today to test you skill of fighting and martial arts " Jason stepped forward and mr.lux continued . "Jason here shall be your student teaching assistant for his skill are unbelievable . " " you guys shall get to choose a weapon to fight with Jason and whoever ends up on the floor loses okay" . Everyone was ready to show their moves to the class each thinking they were better than the next. John walked up there with a cocky smile and just walked past the weapon rack . He didn't pick up a weapon but he charged with great force. I've never seen anyone mover as fast as Jason did that moment this caused John to stumble unto the floor . "Jason wins " Lux states.
Fight after fight everyone didn't even make it close . They all ended up on their face or back.
Aron was called up and Jason expression changed from mutual to angry. Aron stood there while make direct eye contact with Jason showing that he was not going to charge . Jason took into his own hands to attack Aron. But No one saw this coming.

-Jason p.o.v-chess
We all began to head to the gym for the skill level test. I didn't see Ki anywhere so I stood at the door to see if she was lost . Then I saw her silvery hair dodged get through the crowed so then I began to head into the gym when I realized she was being dragged . A boy who I remembered stating his name as Aron . I became angry for it was against the law for anyone other than female should make physical contact or in gage with the princess in any way. I will teach him a lesson later.

As waited patiently for Aron turn for training . Aron was smart I knew this because he did not idea dirty charge but he waited for me. So I charged ready to knock him of his balance but he dodged my attack.

-Ki p.o.v-
Aron dodged Jason hit now that was unexpected I watched the fight go on and it seemed that they we evenly skilled . Kid from other classes peeped from all over to see what was going on . Girls started flocking around talking about how hot they we and how much they wished they we in this special course. Girls were screaming and then Aron started to look around.Then Aron looked over at me then smiled I gave his a cold stare because he had to get his head back into the fight before it was too late. BAM ...Too Late. Jason knocked Aron down but Aron landed on his knees then placed his hands on the floor to breath . I quickly looked at Jason and he had Anger in his eyes . I think he was planing on breaking Aron's arm.
-Jason p.o.v
I was going to break his arm ..................but.

-Ki p.o.v
I was to the closes weapons rack and grabbed a samurai sword. I ran as fast as I could but then I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder it was Jason's foot. I just blocked Aron from becoming a cripple. I ignored the pain and then pushed Jason back . Jason had no emotion as he grabbed a samurai sword and charged . I blocked him and then attacked my self we both kept on fighting until I was knocked of my balance on to the floor of the gym which meant I lost the fight. I laid there trying to catch my breath as I say a hand in front of me trying to help me up . It was Aron . I pushed his hand away I got up myself . The crowed was forced to leave by mr. Lux because it was way to dangerous with all these weapons around .I waked to where I dropped my stuff to grab my board and back pack . When I reached down I saw red .... I was bleeding . My shoulder . I was so pissed I didn't care I dropped onto the floor and began to dig through my bag I until I found my wrapping bandages then I began to wrap my shoulder .when I was done i turned around and all eyes were on me. Next thing you know I'm looking at the roof of the gym. I fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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