Chapter 3

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I rolled out off bed this morning and I felt a sense peace as I got up. I sat up on my bed looking out the window. "Ahh " I said as I walked to the mirror. I sat down and looked at the clock that rested ..... " 7:30" I screamed as I realized how late it was. I ran down stair to begin to make my breakfast . Jason was heading out the door just as I reached the kitchen door way. He smiled and walked out the door, I heard his bike start up outside. I now believe that he is the downside of my new found looks.

After breakfast I mumbled about how much I hated him , then I ran upstairs to take a shower . I almost fell when I jumped out . I looked at the time and it was 7:55 I grabbed the ripped jeans I had on yesterday and a white shirt with an open back . My hair was still wet so I left it down so it can dry. (I mean if I didn't wash my hair it would smell like hate.)# Jason. I threw on a pair of white vans and grabbed a black long board.i took off down the road trying to at least not be too late for class.

As I reached the school block I realized that the school was like made for the rich and famous. The school almost resembles a mall. ran up the stairs that led to the front door but it was locked . I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to figure out how to get in. " there has to be an opening somewhere around the school " so I rode around the school and it was all large brick walls and gates. I then saw a wall with a tree growing upward to the other side of the wall.I didn't even think twice before I ran over to the tree. I quickly began to climb with the board in my opposite hand. I made it to the top of the wall and  and sat there to rest. I turned so I could climb down. luckily there was a plant growing down the wall all the way down to the bottom
. I began to crawl down but my foot slipped I began to fall. I thought quickly and flipped my feet towards the floor and my hands in landing stance. I hit the floor with great force but I didn't feel much pain. I cheaked my board to see if it was okay and turned around. When I turned around there were thousands and people and I was on a stage.

When realized I was in the entrance ceremony . Everyone's faces were filled awe and surprise as I stood there. I lady in a suite and very cute heals approached me " excuse me who are you " she asked with a kind expression on her face. I was about to reply but it seemed like she already knew. " Ki that was quite an entrance but can you join the rest of the school in the audience please."I began to walk down the stairs but then she called my name again I turned " What area is your training specialized in " I pulled out my schedule and read the to it stated The Skill Of The Fight. " The Skill Of The Fight " I read out loud . I heard gasps from the crowed and all around. Everyone all of a sudden started to murmur all together. The principal ( I assumed that is who she is ) was shocked herself but then she pointed me to a group of student on the far left. They all looked as shocked as the reek of the people. I walked as fast as I could to the back of the group. I looked around the dim lighted room and I could catch some eyes on me but I could not make out any faces . The lady on the the stage talked for a few more minutes the she introduces each of the groups.

" The Art Of Planing A War
The Skill Of Spying On the enemy
The Art Of Leading A War"
These categories seemed kind of. Strange cuz I mean we live in California and there are no threats coming are wars yet but I mean strange has a total new meaning to me . " The Skill Of The Fight" she said with a proud look as she looked over at the group I was in . She continued " This is the group shall work harder than any of us at this school. They will train in the like no one has ever thought off and in classes that will boost you physical and mental strength be prepared. " Many of the people around me shifted a little as if they were uncomfortable but I was not really scared I mean I did have to train every day for like few years.

The assembly ended as the light faded on the groups were dismissed one by one. A tall man with a cane at hand was our leader . He introduces himself " Hello my name is Mr. Lux and I shall be you councilor and trainer this year I hope you all are ready . " mummers from the group raised and I know I heard someone say " Just Do It " somewhere behind me ." Now let's all introduce our servers because you will be spending all year with there people, let's start with alphabetical order with first names. " he took out a piece of paper that appeared to have the names of the kids. " Aron Garter" a tall boy with blond hair and hazel eyes stepped out ( from the circle we tried to form but it kinda ended up looking like a square) Hello my name is Aron Garter and I can't wait to work with you all .Every one who was called after followed up with the same this then I heard Jason name called. Jason stepped out and I could not believe  he was here . Hi I'm Jason and I'm happy to be with you all this year( I could not believe what I heard he was so fake it made me sick I hope he trips on his way back to his  spot.)I fumed in my anger but I played it cool.  Some girls from other groups around me all got excited jumping around and talking about his look . ( I guess they could not sense his evil) . ." Ki"  I heard my name being called I pushed my way from the back and stood where every one stood . I said the same thing that every one said. But everyone looked at me after I was finished stating what I had to say. No one clapped like they did for the rest I stood there for a bit longer until I heard clapping from the back then everyone clapped . I was content so I started my way back to my original spot when I heard " Is that a tattoo?" I felt like it was none of his  business and it really wasn't a tattoo. But I  lifted my hair up to reveal my back. Gasps from the room were loud and kinda of amazing . Someone in the crowed asked when I got it I said 3 days ago.
I walked back to my spot and grabbed my board. Mr . Lux said to find a partner so no one could get lost . I looked around to find a friendly girl around me but there were no females in sight. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I glanced up a boy with blond hair and hazel approached me . It was Aron Garter and he was smiling. " Hey Kiwi I looked at him in confusion , " Jason was calling you that so we all assumed it was cool with you " he said before I could askOr defend myself defending myself. He smiled obviously amused  then he continued " would you like to be partners" , I thought about it myself  but I nodded . Suddenly I was grabbed by my wrist and was being pulled towards the group.

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