Chapter one :Changes

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Sunset AVE , I decided to ride my board to the hotel to meet my aunt so I can't become familiar with Miami. My aunt was so beautiful that in fact she was a model for VeRy Magazine.My aunt always takes care of me and gives me amazing advice. she even got me a job at the library, I start this Saturday. My aunt buys me a house of my own every time we move. She has helped give me a sense of independence over the past few years.I was so happy when she said we were moving to Miami I would not get noticed in large crowed like in my only small town in Georgia .The beaches Miami were really gorgeous I should wake up early in the mornings and train with my sword. I've trained in the art of fighting from all over the world. The Samurai is my favorite art of fighting the sword art was extremely beautiful to me.Anyway I turned on George St, and saw a group of kids playing basketball and the were having a blast I wish I had friends. Since I moving every year I didn't have many friends and the only people who talked to me insulted me based on my look. I remember coming home crying and my aunt would just say"just wait honey , one day you'll blow them away" but that didn't help. But I've become used to my appearance and now I just hide and try to be invisible I mean it has worked for the past 13 year. I kept to myself so that way I won't get hurt or I won't hurt anyone. I had a friend but people made fun of him because he hung out with me , he got beat up and then he never came back to school. I was thinking about him for a while I was in a alternate world.   "BAM" the basketball hit me in the head and I fell of my board onto the sand. A large group of boys and girls headed in my direction When I looked up all the people running towards me were beautiful with brown eyes and smooth hair they looked like models.They all tried to explain there selves but when I got up  and they got I good look at my face ,I heard laughter before I knew it everyone was laughing. I was going to ask why but the one of the boys with long blond Hair managed to say " she's so ugly" . I got my board and rode it away trying not to think about what just happened.                                                                                                                                                                          When I arrived I thought I was at the wrong address the hotel was large with a chandelier and everything. I'm talking Suite Life Of Zack and Cody fancy .I felt other people's glares and snares as I walked in.A rather short man with a unpleasant look came up to me and asked if I was Ki Xhix I nodded and he led me to the elevator. We stood in silence as the smooth jazz played overhead . I asked what floor was my aunt on and he said the top I was surprised at first but I mean my aunt is always over the top.when the elevator opened there was only one door and my aunt was already there " Darling" what took you so long and why are you bleeding.  I looked down realizing i scarped my knee. " come here sweety and let me clean it up dear" . I walked into the large apartment and as usual there were balloons and a rather large cake. I went and sat on a large plush couch taking in my surroundings. My aunt ran back with a band aid " Honey let me go and get my birthday hats from Brazil .My aunt always loved large fancy thing but i like plain and simple things . Today is my 17th birthday and it is also my senior year .every year i move to a differ state for each school year. I never met my own parents but I have alway known my aunt who's name was Quinta . The only things I know about my parents is that my father is dead and my mom is somewhere in the universe.DING , the door bell rung and i was about to go open the door but my aunt ran head of me . As the door opened i began to feel light headed so i went and sat back on the couch .Lightning and thunder rolled out side I felt sick but amazing at the same time. Suddenly the lights turned and the room became a winter cold i felt a sudden breeze .                                                                                                                                                Why   did you come in so soon Jason" " the queen sent me did she not tell you" . I  slowly walked out to see who was talking and where I was , when i peeped through the door i saw my aunt talking to some one who had his back turned to the door .The voice I heard was somewhat soothing like I've heard it a million times before I felt very comforted. I immediately began to feel light headed and I fell on the floor with a loud thud , My aunt looked up surprised then ran over to help me up . The boy turned around and he was stunning his eyes were a beautiful blue , his skin a faint glow. He laughs wow you expect me to train her she can't even stand on her own two feet . His charm quickly disappeared. My aunt on the other hand kept looking at my face. She was in awe "auntie are you okay ?" She picked me up and walked me in the room that I came from and sat me down on the bed . "Ki there is something you need to know before I turn on the lights. I a year I will take you to meet your mother" my mind traveled to so many different places I had so many questions but I was so overwhelmed I could not even speak.My aunt continued" You will experience a lot of changes and this year will be kinda weird, so I brought I friend of the family to stay with you " " And it is crucial that you train twice as hard this year and I will need you to train with the boy out there Jason ." My aunt put her hand out with a box a face it to me. When I opened the box a beautiful silver bracelet in the form of a dragon that swirled about four ties around . I looked into my aunt eyes and they looked down on me like I need to put I on now so I did . The bracelet was a little big at first but then It wrapped around my wrist and it tightened. I looked up at my aunt scared and she gave me a look of reassurance . My aunt got up and turned on the light and pointed at the mirror I got up and walked over there and my reflection was a whole other person. My eyes were a dark beep green that made you think of a forest and my hair was a silver and that was smooth soft. My skin was clear and was a light glowing brown . I could not believe who I saw in the mirror . My aunt giggled and said " I told you that one day you'll blow them " " Oh and also I threw away all your. Clothes while you were sleeping and got you a whole new wardrobe and I enrolled you into a new high school , you start tomorrow " . My aunt is unbelievable . I walked out the room grabbed my board and walked out the apartment with out even telling my aunt that I was leaving . All these thoughts were coming at me and I was just so flustered . I walked into the elevator I pressed the first floor button and waited . When I stepped out people from the elevator people from all around was looking at me . I immediately walked faster with my head down so that I could not be around so many people . When I speed through the the door I dropped my board and my hair got stuck in the spin door. My hair was down to my butt so I was not used to the length especially now that it wasn't thin and stiffed. When I managed to get my hair out of the door I turned to get my board but someone had already. " Wow I was told I would be training a clumsy girl but you are accident prone." Wow I was told my trainer fought like I King but I gruesome the meant to say the King of arrogance. " I grabbed my board and rode off this year is going to be one I'll never forget.

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