Kryptonite (Brett x Reader)

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It's been a month since Y/N joined Satomi's pack. She wasn't awerewolf. In fact, she wasn't a supernatural creature of any kind. She was justa normal human, an average Joe, a Stiles. Well, sort of. Stiles wasn't a supernatural creature, but was smart. His brain worked like a cop from having a dad as a sheriff, and knew how to help out the pack with his plans. He didn't need special abilities to be a part of the pack. Neither did Y/N. She was just as smart as Stiles, but in a different way. She knew all things related to the supernatural, the creatures, and their powers.

The supernatural isn't the only thing Y/N was an expert on. She knew boys like the back of her hand. More importantly she knew her boyfriend, Brett, very well. She would study his every move, trait, and habits. Eventually, she knew how to use it against him if she needed to, or use it to her advantage.

Brett saw Y/N sitting at the table with a bunch of books spread across the table. Although the dead pool is over, Y/N had offered to help Scott and his pack to figure out what Deputy Parrish was. Scott took in Satomi's pack, and Y/N was so grateful for Scott. The least she could do was repay him back with her knowledge of supernatural creatures. Except, she was stuck. She didn't know what Deputy Parrish was. She's been trying to figure it out for almost two weeks, and Brett thought she could use a break right about now.

He quietly walked up behind her, ran his hand through her hair, and then frizzled it as he shook her hair. She said nothing. She just went on reading as she fixed her hair back as it was before. As soon as she finished fixing her hair, he messed it up again.

"Breettttttt! Stop it," she giggled fixing her hair. She saw him grinning and wiggling his fingers, ready to mess up her hair again. "Do it once more and see what happens."

"I think I'll live!" Brett laughed as he messed up her hair more than he did before.

Y/N hair looked like she had been electrocuted, which only made Brett laugh even harder. After he finished laughing, Y/N had already tied her hair up in a high ponytail to prevent him from messing it up again and creating more tangles. She stared at him while he was trying to catch his breath with a grin on her face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Brett asked.

"Because you,' she touched his nose with her index finger, "just lost your pre-game day care package for tomorrow," she admitted and looked back down at the book in front of her. Two can play this game, she thought.

"Aww, babe. Come on," Brett hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"I was going to make my brownies just the way you like them."

"With marshmallows and fudge?!" His eyes widened and his mouth began to water.

"Yes, and those chocolate covered Oreos cookies you love so much," she lingered.

Brett groaned as he leaned his head at the crook of her neck. He could smell the perfume he got her for her birthday, and let out a soft sigh, giving Y/N goose bumps all over her arms. Brett tightens the hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mess up your beautiful hair."

Y/N didn't say anything just shook her head, trying so hard not to smile. She wanted him to work for it. She wasn't going to give in; after all he's the one that started it. She was going to make sure she finished it with a win.

"Baby, I said I'm sorry," he placed a soft kissed on her neck.

She couldn't help but smile. "And you won't ever do it again?"

"I promise." Brett promised.

"Did you really think I wasn't going to give you your pre-game gift?" She turned around, grinning.

"You were going to give them to me either way?!"

"DUH!" She stood up from her chair, pulled him to her and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm not going to eat all the goodness by myself!"

"I can't believe I fell for that," Brett chuckled.

"What can I say? I always win," she leaned in.

Brett didn't mind letting her win, even if that meant him losing all the time. He loved her so much. He would move the moon for her if she asked. She was his kryptonite and he didn't mind it. The brownies and Oreo cookies were just a bonus. Truthfully, he could live without those, but he couldn't live without her.

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