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Some part of my soul is always gonna be following Hanson, I guess. It's like how when you watch a movie or visit a place you remember from your childhood- you sink into that familiar groove. It's easy to sink into the routine of following Hanson. I guess that's why I did it.

It takes bravery to be your own person. It takes confidence, it takes guts, and it takes a healthy dose of ignorance about the way the world works. But that's how we learn.

Doing dumb stuff is a part of being a kid, I think. But in order for it to count, it's gotta be your own dumb stuff.

That's why I gotta go my own way. I can't keep doing Hanson's dumb stuff- it's gotta be my own.

I couldn't before- I was too afraid. But I have a little bit of confidence now.

And now I know that confidence looks good on everyone.


Thanks for reading my second short story <3

If you're a short stories kinda person, check out my first short story (and first-ever story on Wattpad), Older Brothers.

If you're in the mood for a full-length story, please PLEASE go check out my first full-length book, The Seer's Secret!!!

Thank you :)

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