Chapter Eight

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"Good morning Detective Rizzoli, Dr.Isles." Lieutenant Cavanaugh nodded in their direction as they walked into the Division One Café.

"Good morning Sir." Jane said and they walked to the coffee.

"Do you still have an unusual large intake of caffeine and sugar?" Maura asked.

"Nope." Jane said proudly. "It's worse these days."

"Gosh Jane. You know it's so unhealthy. It has a-"

"Jane Clementine Rizzoli!" A voice shouted all the way from across the café and Jane froze in her spot, cringing. Maura chuckled and they both slowly turned around to see Angela Rizzoli making her way across the café.

"I forgot to mention she ran the café." Jane said.

"How dare you not tell me that Maura Isles was back, how have you been dear?" She said grabbing Maura's hands.

"I've been good, Angela. How have you been?" Maura asked. One thing Maura use to hate, Angela refused to let Maura call her Mrs.Rizzoli, it was either mom or Angela.

"I've been good. Oh dear, It's wonderful to see you." She said hugging Maura. "I'm sorry I didn't get you a welcome gift for joining, I didn't know you were the new medical examiner."

"It's fine." Maura said smiling.

"Rizzoli!" Jane turned her head as Korsak called her name.

"Yeah?" She asked as he peaked around the corner.

"Come on, you and I are going on a stake out." He said. "See you out front."

"Okay." He said and turning to face her mom. "Ma, I gotta go." She said drowning her coffee. "Bye Maura." Jane said and ran to keep up with Korsak.

"Do you have to go downstairs to the morgue now or do you have some time for girl talk?" Angela asked Maura.

"Um. I've got some time." Maura smiled politely and took a seat at the counter while Angela grabbed a rag and started wiping down tables.

"I guess Jane told you about the divorce."

Maura felt kind of uncomfortable. "Yes she did, I'm very sorry."

"It's okay." Angela shrugged it off. "We're much better off, anything else she told you?"

"She also told me about Tommy." She said hoping Angela wouldn't cry.

"Yeah." Angela said quietly. "He's just gotten off track. He's getting out in a few months, he's been writing letters, he's changing. He's changed."

"That's good Angela. That's really good." Maura said reassuringly.

"Yeah it is. How do you like the job here so far?" Angela asked, just making conversation.

"I like it, and I like the people I work with." Maura said.

"Well good, that's good. It's hard to believe that after ten years you and Janie are finally seeing each other again, crazy huh?" Angela said coming and starting to wipe the counter where Maura was.

"Yeah." Maura agreed. "Hey Angela, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Angela said putting the dishrag in some soapy water.

"Do you know why Jane stopped talking to me? I mean, I never understood what I did." Maura said and then realized what she was done. "Oh my gosh Angela I'm sorry, I shouldn't of involved you like that."

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