Chapter forty nine

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Just then BoYoung came out crying. V ran to her.

"Wae? why is my beauty crying?" V asked her

"What if Eomma doesn't come back because Appa left her?"

"What are you talking about Young-ah?"

"I want to talk to Appa, so I called and a nice lady picked up, I just hung up the phone before I came here."

BoYoung Said crying. Chae found out. She must be thinking he is cheating on her. That lady BoYoung is was talking about must be his 'Finance'. Aish! That brat! I told him to tell her!!

"Chris, Ann, Steph stay here with the girls, us boys will go out and try to find her."

She nodded and kissed my cheek, I kissed her back and went out with the boys following.

JungKook's POV
Should I tell her now? I don't want to though. Why do I always hurt her?! Ugh!!

This is killing me!! I sat on my couch thinking of what I should tell her.


"oh, yeah?"

"What is with you? Your phone has been ringing for awhile now"

"Oh, Thanks"

I took it from her and answered it.

"Hello? What!?"

I hung up and put on my shoes and ran out I shouted that I would be right back and left.

Chae's POV
By the time I was done, I've finished 4 bottles of soju and 2 plates of spicy rice cakes.

"Ahgassi, you have to leave now."

I nodded and stumble out of the restaurant. That jerk! He made me like this!! I stumble and tried finding my way home. I searched my pockets for my phone. 'That's right I left it at home with the girl's' I thought.

As I was walking a saw a few men in front of me.

"Well, well, well who do we have here?"

"Looks like dessert!!"

I started to get scared as I had no phone to call anyone and most of all, I was drunk and very vulnerable to attack. I step back until one of the three guys came and grabbed my wrists. I tried to get out of his grip but I was to weak from the soju. He pulled me closer to him and moved my hair out of my face really close to my face. By that I mean really close to my face. I closed my eyes tightly as he caressed my face, my neck and his hand made its way down to my back. All I could do since I was drunk was just stand there against the wall of the restaurant with my eyes closed right crying.

"You smell good."

The other one in the leather jacket said.

"I wanna go first"

The one with the blue beanie said.

As he got closer to me I got even more scared. 'Please save me!' I yelled in my head..I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud.

"Please stop" I manage to say in a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.

"I don't think so, I'm hungry now"

He leans in and I turn my head. He begins kissing my neck, that's when I start struggle to get out and screaming.

"Get off of me!! Stop!! Stop it!! Don't touch me!!"

While screaming and yelling at him I tried to push him off.

"Aish!" He yells

He pushes me to the ground and slaps me. He was angry now. He slaps me twice and rips my blouse open. Memories. Headache. Father?

I started having these flashbacks. A man on top of me. My shirt ripping. Me crying and begging him to stop. Someone stops him. Bloody lips.

As I remember these memories, I struggle to get away from these men. I push him off of me and stand up. I try running away but I fail as he grabs me from behind. He covers my mouth with his hand.

"Feisty. I like."

I bite his hand and kick his balls. I tried running but because I was drunk I couldn't really run. The guy with the leather jacket comes and grabs me while the one with the black mask helps the guy with the beanie.
'Oh Come On' I thought.

"Don't touch me!! Leave me alone!!"

He doesn't listens to me and keeps holding me.

Next thing I know I felt him being pulled off of me and hear him groan in pain. I turn around to see JungKook mad with sweat on his face, while the other two pick up the guy in the leather jacket and runs off. He came towards me but I back up.

JungKook's POV
"Its ok, its Oppa."

She shakes her head and keeps on backing up.

"Go back to her"

I heard her say.

"Chae, I can explain, Please let m--"

"No! I don't want to hear it!!"

"Your just like him!! Just like your father!! You are killing me!!"

"Chae, both you and I know that is not true. I'm nothing like him."

"Yes you are. He killed my father. You are killing me."


"Just leave me alone. We're over."

She walks past me and tries to cover herself as her shirt did rip showing her bra. As she did Suga Hyung and the rest of the members shows up. She looks up and runs towards them. She hugs V Hyung which surprised all of us but Suga Hyung

"What is this?" Jimin asked

"What the hell?!" Rapmon exclaimed

"Hyung should we tell them?" V Hyung asked Suga Hyung and he nods.

"We are cousins." V Hyung said.

"What?!" We said surprised.

V Hyung hugs Chae while she cries in his chest.

"V Oppa, I'm cold." I hear her say.

Chae's POV
I hug V Oppa. I started to feel cold and really dizzy. V Oppa gives me his jacket.
I felt something in my throat. I look at V Oppa.

"Oppa I don't feel to good."

Acting like he knew he turned me around so that I would be facing JungKook who was couple feet away from me and then I vomit. V Oppa and Yoongi Oppa pats my back.

I stand up when I'm done. I look at JungKook then everything went black.

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