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Disclaimer: I don't own Girl Meets World or any of the characters all rights to Girl Meets World (GMW).
A/N: shoutout to @theanabears for helping me with an idea after major writers block! Thank you again! 😊


I sat in the hallway of the hospital, next to a nervous Farkle. I listened to the sounds of people, chattering amongst themselves as I flipped through a random magazine.

"Thanks for c-coming here w-with me." Farkle commented, fiddling with his fingers, nervously.

I reached over to Farkle, and places my hands on his, gently and supportively.

"Farkle, I am always here for you, I want to help you get through physical therapy." I replied, flashing a sincere smile.

"Thanks." He commented, bluntly, annoyance filled each syllable of the words and breaths that stumbled out of his mouth.

I could tell he was uncomfortable. I knew and understood how he didn't want anybody to see him like this.

"You don't have to come in with me." Farkle informed me, nervousness filling his eyes, "I know this is just pity."

"Farkle-" I trailed off, as I placed my hand on his cheek so he was looking me in the eye, "I like you; a lot, and this isn't pity."

"Really?" Farkle asked, furrowing his eyebrows, and scrunching up his nose.

"Yes, really, Farkle." I said, as I watched Farkle's facial expression change completely from a saddened look, to a smile.

"I l-like you too." Farkle replied, smiling, kindly.

"Good." I commented, as I pecked him on the lips; my fingers still caressing his face.

"Uh, Farkle Minkus?" A nurse called out; flipping through papers on a clip board.

"Here." Farkle said, reluctantly raising his hand.

"Doctor Robert can see you now." The nurse said as she gestured for us to walk down the hall.

I clenched Farkle's hand, tightly as a smile spread across my face.

"Down the hall." The nurse informed us, guiding us to the hospital room down the hall, "here you go Mr. Minkus."

"Thanks." Farkle said, abruptly, as he placed his crutches to the side and sat down in a seat.

"Thank you so much nurse-" I trailed off, waiting for the nurse to give me her name.

"Nurse Georgia." She replied, "and you're welcome sweetie. The doctor will be in shortly."

Nurse Georgia left the room, leaving us in the utter quietness of the breaths and sighs that filled the room.

"You excited?" I asked him, knowing he obviously wasn't excited for physical therapy.


"Come on Farkle, cheer up, in a couple of sessions you won't have to walk on crutches anymore." I replied to his negativity.

"I know, it's just I hate needing help from people i-it's not m-me." Farkle stuttered, pursing his lips together, tightly.

"Look at me." I told him, he then slowly turned his head up so he was looking me in the eyes.

"Why?" He asked, staring me in the eyes.

"So you know I am always here. Farkle, I'll never leave your side." I replied, as I leaned over and planted a small kiss on his lips, "I will always be here."

"I know." Farkle said, sounding genuine as a smile lit up his face.

We heard the door nob turn to open and in came the doctor.

"Hello Farkle, I am Dr. Smith, I'll be conducting the physical therapy today." Dr. Smith greeted, flipping through pages on a clip board.

✖︎ ✖︎ ✖︎

The physical therapy went alright. Besides there fact Farkle looked pissed the entire time, it was okay.

I clenched onto Farkle's hand walking to the parking lot and getting into my car.

Farkle's door shut, as I sat down in the driver's seat.

"So, did the physical therapy help?" I asked, plastering a concerned look on my face.

"I guess." Farkle shrugged.

"It'll get better you'll see-" I trailed off before Farkle cut me off.

"I know."

I pushed the key into the ignition and drove off into the distance.

✖︎ ✖︎ ✖︎

The rain shattered against the glass window's of Farkle's apartment. My fingers gently touched the misty, cold, wet window as the rain drops slid down the windows softly.

"What movie do you wanna watch, Farkle?" I asked, still gazing off into the distance of the cloudy New York City.

"I don't mind, let's see what's on." Farkle said as he picked up the remote and pressed the power button. 

I paced myself over to where Farkle was seated, to then sit next to him and snuggle into his chest.

I could get used to this.

"What are you thinking about?" Farkle asked his gaze directed at me.

"Oh, nothing."

Just how lucky I was.

A/N: hope you liked that chapter! More chapters coming soon! 😊 thank you!

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