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Disclaimer: I don't own Girl Meets World or any of the characters all rights to Girl Meets World (GMW).


Maya, Lucas, Auggie and I were decorating my apartment for Farkle's 'Welcome Home Party' we placed food out, and balloons.

"Can we go to the bay window now?" I whined.

"One second."

"Almost done!" Lucas said as Maya and Lucas hung up the banner. Maya placed her side of the banner up, finally and she got down from the ladder.

"Looks pretty good, guys." My mom commented with a smile on her face.

"Thanks Mrs. Mathews." Lucas and Maya said at the same time.

"Bay Window right now!" I yelled.

"Okay, okay, geez!" Maya said waving her arms in the air. We walked off into my room, slamming the door shut.

✖︎ ✖︎ ✖︎

"What is it?!" Maya asked sounding agitated.

"Farkle said he loved me!" I quickly spit out.

"What?! When?! Where?! How?!" Maya exclaimed in questioning.

"He was a little groggy from the surgery and then he woke up and we talked for not even a minute and he goes 'I love you' and he passed out." I said gulping down my fear and nervousness.

"Do you think he'll remember?" Maya asked as she twirled strands of my hair through my fingers.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows and tilting my head to the side.

"Well, you said he was 'groggy from the surgery' so do you think he'll he remember?"

"I don't know, but I have to talk to him."

"I'm here for you." Maya said comforting me.


✖︎ ✖︎ ✖︎

We were back in the living room and Maya went straight to Lucas.

"Hey huckleberry." Maya said as she cuddled up to Lucas's chest.

"Hey blondie." He said as he planted a kiss on Maya's lips.

"Aww." Me and my mom said in unison.

"You two kids are so darn cute." My mom said smiling as she had her arm around my shoulder.

"Peaches looks happy, so I'm happy. You guys are adorable." I said as I let out a huge bubbly smile.

"Anyways, when's Farkle gonna get here?" Zay asked as he peered out from the corner.

We then heard the door creep open.

"I think he's here now." Lucas pointed out.

"No kidding." Zay replied to Lucas sarcastically.

"Hey guys." My dad said as he wheeled Farkle in his wheel chair through the doorway of my apartment.

"WELCOME HOME FARKLE!" We all yelled in unison with smiles on our faces.

"Thanks guys." Farkle commented with a weak smile.

Everyone resumed talking as I carefully approached Farkle.

"Hey." I said weakly smiling.

"Uh, hey Riley." Farkle said sounding almost uncomfortable.

"Farkle, can I talk to you?" I asked gulping down my fear, and then I added "privately."

"Yeah, sure you'll have to wheel me though." Farkle said awkwardly. I awkwardly let out a ting giggle.

I then wheeled Farkle into my room.

"Whoa, I don't think your dad will like me in your room."

"He'll be fine with it."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Do you remember in the hospital, when I came to see you?" I asked, gulping down my fear.

"Uh, yeah kinda." Farkle said awkwardly, I noticed he was shifting his position in his wheel chair.

"Do you remember what you said?" I asked looking into Farkle's eyes.

"Yeah." Farkle said as he tilted his head down hiding his facial expression.

He looked up at me, with a blank facial expression.

"Riley..." Farkle said before I cut him off by leaning in, closer, and closer until I pressed my lips against his.

When I pulled away, Farkle looked shocked. I flashed a warm smile, that made Farkle relax a little bit more.

"I love you to." I said and then I walked out of the room, as I felt my heart beat in my chest.

I walked into the living room, and Farkle wheeled behind me.

"Welcome Home, Farkle." My mom said as she handed us two pieces of cake.

"Thanks guys!" Farkle exclaimed as he started eating his cake.

A/N: hope you liked that chapter! More chapters coming soon! 😊 thank you!

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