Chapter 1 - Hecate gives a history lesson

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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN PJO, HOO OR HP (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Harry Potter)

Chapter 1 – Hecate gives a history lesson

It was a fairly normal day for Nico di Angelo. He'd had a before-breakfast sparring session with Clarisse la Rue from the Ares cabin, ate with his friends/cousins, gone for a walk with his boyfriend of 4 months, Will Solace, and had just finished running a few errands for his father.

Now, sitting next to a dozing Peleus, gently stroking the still-young dragon's smooth copper scales, he gazed out at Camp Half-blood from the safety of the shadows of Thalia's Pine, re-living his favorite memories of his time in Camp.

He remembered when he first came here, how amazed he'd been at the sights and the sounds, being particularly excited by the Pegasi. He had always wondered why they would shy away from him, snorting and stamping whenever he got too close, leaving him feeling sad, but now he understood.

He was a son of Hades, quite literally 'Devil Spawn', he radiated death and darkness, and any animal who didn't come from the Underworld would most likely rather stand in the middle of a bonfire than go near him.

Well, most animals anyway.

"Hey 'Lil bro, what's up?" Came the voice of Leo Valdez, one of his several 'brothers' who weren't properly related to him, but acted like they were.

He glanced up, seeing not only Leo, but his other 'brothers' Jason Grace and Percy Jackson.

He had long gotten over his crush on the handsome son of Poseidon, but he still felt kind of awkward when he was around. Which basically meant he felt permanently awkward, seeing as he, along with Leo and Jason, insisted on always being around for their 'little brother' as much as they could.

"Technically I'm older than all three of you guys combined, so you can shut up Repair Boy."

He had been spending a lot of time with Piper, Reyna, and Thalia (When Reyna came to visit from Camp Jupiter, and when the Hunters were staying at camp), and had begun to pick up some of their habits, such as being able to convince people to do things more easily than normal, calling Leo 'Repair Boy', spending a lot of time doing archery, and training with all weapons instead of exclusively swords.

"Someone's snippy today," Jason commented, sitting down next to him along with Percy and Leo. The son of Jupiter gave Peleus a brief scratch under his chin to calm him, as he had woken up, apparently sensing the movement of the other demigods.

"Yeah well, had to do a few errands for my father, and..." He hesitated before saying anything, unsure of how much to tell them. His father had specifically told him not to tell anyone, but they were going to find out sometime anyways... "I might be getting a quest soon."

Percy looked up at this with a brief look of surprise, before his trademark grin slipped on to his face, "Congrats man! 'Bout time you get some questing action! I'll be coming though, right?"

"Well, actually-," Nico began, before being cut off by Leo.

"Woah woah woah. Woah. There is no way in Hades I am letting my favorite brother go on his first quest without Mr. McShizzle there to help kick some monster butt," he stated firmly, one arm around Nico's shoulders.

Shrugging of the arm, he once again began to try and speak, but was immediately cut off again, this time by Jason.

"What kind of brother would I be if I let little Neeks here go on a quest without his favorite brother?" He asked, putting his arm around Nico, once again the arm being shrugged off.

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