Our New Hell

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Its been three months since Alistair defeat, His People are losing hope in him, King decide to get his guard to protect his people as much and try not revealing there identity.
Crystal P.O.V
Alistair kept talking about proceting and keeping are identity, For me that was easy enough since I have my mask and I weared my hoodie.
"Cry! Are you paying attention?" Lime said jokling
I gave him a harsh glare
"Are you paying attention, Cause it's seem you been looking at me this entire time. And You shall not call me Cry after what you done." I decided to walk outside and look around for the Queens guard, Sadly I did found one.
"You better pay you're debt or" The gurad then grabs the child hand "Will take you precious little girl!" The girl was struggling to get out of his grib. I had enough.
Time P.O.V
I decided to walk around looking out for guard's as a cat of course. I heard some yelling near are base. I saw Cry slowly getting closer to someone, I then see a guard grabing a young girl probably 10.
I saw Cry shot a waring arrow which means they shot to close to the target but doesn't hit on propose. I decided to go down there.
Crystal P.O.V
I shot my waring arrow and walk towards the guard. "Hello."
"HOW DARE YOU TRY SHOTING A GUARD" "A guard where? All I see is a grown weakly male who works for a sick lady and trying to steal a young girl, I know what you horrible being do to the children!" I got closer to his face and slowly grab the child and slowly push her to her parents.
"they owe debet and its none of you business Ms"
"If they owe debt then let them get a job that plays more then a dollar a hour! And debt shouldn't lead to taking to one of there children." I decided to slowly pull a knife but used my left hamd slowly to move my mask up wear my lips can be seen. I slowly get close to his face.
"I see you are a flirty youn-" he was cut off by my blade up against his neck and moved to his ear, I whisper. "Listen, if I see you grab or try to take Anyone Child This Blade will be the end of you and it will take you to hell were you belong." He then step back and said he had to go. The family thank me and I told them to always have hope for one day Alistair will rise again!.
Alistair P.O.V
I was looking all over for Jay, I started to panicked a little. I saw Aris and Rene talking to each other " Hey have you two seen Jay anywhere?!?!"
"Haha did you lose you're boyfriend already?" Aris kinda laugh at Rene comment. " He's in the kitchen with lime"
"thanks ari-...Wait with lime?"
"Is someone getting jealous?" Aris replied
I just walk to the kitchens to see lime eating some food as awalys and I saw Jay. "Hello King Alistair" he then bowed down to me. I chuckle at him and grab his hand and told him "Jay you don't have to bow, beside you dont have to call my King Alistair" I gave him a warm smile. " JUST KISS ALREADY!" lime shouted I saw Jay face turn red "Um..Jay...Can you follow me?"
He noded and followed me to The garden. We sat down together, "So Jay you Know how I can make anything 'Kawaii' apper right?" "Of course it amazing!" My cheek got a more little pink (He has natural blush)
"Well I decided To show some things I can Make. So give me something kawaii!" He laugh " make a bunch of butterfly apper!" I chuckled at his wish but I did anyways. Slowly buttee files started to apper. He face lit up for awhile. I then gave him some flowers, his face then turn red and try hiding it with flowers. I laugh a little slowly moved the flowers away from his face. "Thanks for the flower,It's hard stay happy in our new hell" he kinda laugh and so did I. I realized again how much I love him, are faces got closer. As we were about to kiss. Time came in "Sorry to be a cockblocker but Crystal is ordering a meeting!" Time laugh. I quickly put my head down im embassment as I saw Jay face turn all the way red.
"Come on ladies we got get going you two can fuck each other later. Crystal will ripe the man out of you if guys dont hurry up!"
I grab Jay hand as I walk over to Time "Be happy You're my friend!"
Lime P.O.V
"....Hey Rene sooooooooooo" It been super awkward after the Queen toke over. But we still talk sometimes. "Lime cry ask for meeting and not to be rude but unless you want to be a female in a couple of minute I suggest we get going!"she grab my hand as we walk toward the meeting area. We saw everyone there except Time and Cry.


Crystal P.O.V
I walk in to see eveyone here I had Time right next to . Listen people we need cover more ground. "Rene,Lime,Timo-."
"Time." Time mumble. "Right,Rene,Lime,And time well take the east side of the island. Me,King, Jay,Aris will take west side" Time then said "Everyone else will take the north and south. We all meet in the north"
"We all leave in two days, Everyone dismissed" I added everyone left except Lime and Time.
Time P.O.V
"Cry liste-" Lime was cut off by Cry telling him to leave,Lime left.
-3 hours went by-
Night fall came.
Since are base is underground we use are trees to watch.
Are Trees grown underground and grow all the way up to high ground. Cry walk around in the streets trying to get the Guards attention.
"Hey time what you looking at?" My eyes grew wide "CRY IF YOURE UP HERE WHO THE HELL IS DOWN THERE?!?!?" Me and Cry started to panic a little.
King then came and ask where was Jay. That where me and Cry started to panic even more. "um i think youre boyfriend is down there...." Cry pointed at the person grabing some flower and food from the shops.
King quickly went down towards the streets to get Jay.
But a guard was near by, Alistair slowly and quietly went towards him.

Alistair P.O.V

I slowly went towards Jay
I whisper "Jay Is that you?"
Jay turn around "Oh hello King-"
I quickly shush him and pointing at the guard that is around the coner. He noded. "okay le-" I was cut off with a guard grabing Jay. I was so mad My brain went blank I wasn't in control.
Jay P.O.V
I was struggling to get out of the guard grip. King disappeared. I was scared..... I then heard a arrow shot and I saw king holding a bow. I heard the guard moan in pain as He let go of me. I saw that King shot both of he's shoulder. King quickly grab me and we ran back to base.
-2 hours later-
It's around 2 Am.
King was in his room as awalys.
I knock on his door.
Alistair P.O.V
I heard a knock at my door.
I went over and open it to see Jay "Jay what you doing up late at night?" "Oh Sorry to bother you King but I needed help packing my stuff..." I didn't really know how to respond. "Um sure but couldn't you tell me Tomorrow?" He stood there for a minute "We'll yeah but you were awake and I want finish early" I noded and gesture him in.

- 1 hour later . Sorry im lazzzyy-
"Oh and bring some of youre sewing thing just in case"
I look at saw he fell alseep on my bed. Well I decided to move him to the right end of the bed while I slept on the Left end. I did that and soon I found my self asleep.
Thats all for my lovely story
Sorry for it being long
And if sounds rush thats cause it is rush XD sorry about that I was trying to get everyone atleast in the first chapter. Lol but go follower spiritwriter1012 she help with the storyboard and character design.
The story was 1429 words

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