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Author's note: Bold, like this, indicates an authors note. Italics are Micheal's thoughts.

Michael stood in front of the mirror, roughly tracing his hourglass shape with his hands. Ugh. He didn't have a bad body, exactly, it just shouldn't be his... He's a boy! It just felt so wrong...

Michael's a trans guy. He's a junior in high school, and this is how he met his girlfriend. But.... this is also how he learned to accept himself a bit more, and find others like him. He hopes you enjoy his story.


Michael yawned and sat up in bed, groggy. He glanced at the sunlight streaming into his room and, like every morning, groaned at the annoyed realization that it was morning. 

Ok. Deep breaths Micheal, deep breaths. Calm down. The first day of your junior year... 

He peeked hesitantly at his alarm clock. Oh. No. 6:30! 20 minutes 20 minutes!  Heran into the bathroom, avoiding looking into the mirror out of habit.

Michael pulled on his tight chest binder, giving his ribs a moment to adjust to the intense pressure, and put on his packer and harness, taking a few minutes to adjust everything. He idly wondered what it would be like to not have to do this some day.  

He put on my red and gray T-shirt and jeans and ran downstairs. His mom looked at him disapprovingly. She still didn't accept Michael being trans, but at least today she didn't say anything. Authors note: This is a work of fiction, vaguely based on my life. I started this when I was 12, so... it's a bit cringe. It's in the process of being edited. 

If you have questions about being Transgender or LGBTQ+ in general, feel free to PM me. :) Although I feel obligated to warn you that I'm pretty awful at advice. For that, I recommend the subreddit Asktransgender. 

Picture of Micheal up top ⬆

Acceptance: A Transgender StoryWhere stories live. Discover now