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"I know it's gonna take some time, but I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind. This might end up like it should."


"Well, that's going to make this night a lot easier." Josh says as he's driving to the carnival, relaxing. Briana turns and looks at him with her eyebrows scrunched together.

"How is me possibly agreeing to do it going to make this night easier for you?" She asks Josh, trying to figure out this entire situation. 

"Because, now I don't need to spend the entire night trying to convince you to do it. Now I can focus on just becoming friends with you!" Josh says, laughing as he pulls into a parking spot. 

As Josh and Briana walk up to the ticket booth, Briana reaches down into her purse to grab her wallet. She only stops when she feels Josh's hand on top of hers.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks her, as if she's done something wrong. "I'm paying for you. What kind of a man would I be to invite you somewhere and not pay for you?" Josh asks, causing Briana to let out a slight snort. 

Her eyes go wide when she realized that she just snorted in front of Josh and they both collapse in fits of laughter.

"That was so embarrassing, oh my god!" Briana exclaims, putting her hand in front of her mouth once they've bought tickets. 

Josh only laughs at her, not in a mean way, but a nice way. "No it wasn't, it was hilarious! Do hat in front of Simon and he'll be head over heels within days of meeting you." Josh says to Briana, smirking.

Briana rolls her eyes at Josh. "Please, if I do that, this whole plan will be ruined!" Josh grabs Briana's arm and drags her toward a food stand, where they get in line. "Speaking of the plan, I think you're really brave for doing this."

"Doing what?" Josh asks as they move one spot closer in the line.

"Well, I don't see any of your other friends here. You're the only one with guts to come talk to me, I guess." Briana explains, smiling up at Josh. She's glad that he was the one to talk to her. From what she could remember, she wasn't sure how well she'd be able to get along with the other boys. 

Josh sighs and puts his hands in his front pockets. "Well, if it were up to me, I wouldn't be here. I'm terrible at talking to girls!" Josh exclaims, laughing.

Briana pretends to be thinking. "Well, Joshua, for one who isn't able t talk to girls, you seem to be doing a fine job."

"Thanks, you don't know how nervous I was earlier though. Anyways, I was nominated for this job by the other boys because I was the one who came up with the plan."

"Briana?" A voice asks and Briana and Josh turn around to see a girl and a boy standing behind them in line. 

Briana smiles when she recognizes who it is. "Lily!" She exclaims, pulling her friend into a hug. "So, is this Finn? The boy you've been talking about?" She whispers in Lily's ear and Lily smiles and nods her head.

"So, who's the boy?" Lily asks Briana, once Briana returned to her spot next to Josh.

"Oh! This is Josh. We're just friends." Briana says, before Lily had the chance to think otherwise. "Josh, this is my friend, Lily, and her boyfriend, Finn!" Briana explains to Josh before Lily and Finn say goodbye and walk away.

"Do you really think that she thought we were together?" Josh asks Briana once they've received their food. Briana laughs at Josh and rolls her eyes. "What?" He asks her, not figuring out why she rolled her eyes.

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