Is Splinter gonna tell them? I ask Leonardo.

He seems worried. Yes.

It'll be alright, I tell him. He responds with a small smile. The five of us kneel in front of Master Splinter, who looks more serious than ever.

"What I am about to tell you is difficult," he says, "but it is time you know the truth. Karai... is my daughter. The child I thought I had lost in the fire, Miwa."

Raph, Mikey and Donnie gasp.

"Fury became flame," Splinter continues, "flame that filled the world with a blinding smoke, and on that nighr Shredder took my daughter away."

"I-Is this true?" Donnie asks.

Mikey looks at his brothers. "Karai's our sister?!"

"Sensei," Raphael protests, "she's still our enemy! She was raised by Shredder and she's a Foot assasin!"

"She is my daughter," Shredder says. "There is good in her, I know this. The truth must be told, and it too will be an earthquake."


"Sara!" April exclaims when she and Casey arrive. "You have to see this!"

She takes a small device out of a bag and hands it to me. It's white, slightly rounded and has the Kraang hexagonal pattern.

"We need Donnie to check it out," April says.

"Yeah we do!" I say and run to the lab. "Donnie! Lend us a hand?"

"Sure-" he smiles. "Hey, April! And... Casey."

"Sup?" Casey says.

"Anyway," says April, "check this out. If you press this button here..."

April presses it and the device suddenly projects a magenta colored triangle. It's a portal.

"No way!" I say. "How did you find this?"

"After running into some Kraang," Casey replies.

"Kraang?" Mikey's voice fills the room, and he's with the other two turtles.

"What's going on?" Raph asks, and then he sees the portal.

"This is obviously what the Kraang are using to go from dimension to dimension," Donnie says. "This might be what's behind the earthquakes; we're gonna have to test it."

"Are you sure it's safe, Donnie?" Leonardo asks.

"It's worth a look," he replies.

"Look," Casey says confidently. "If you turtles are gonna be slow about it, then I'm going in."

"Are you nuts?!" Raphael yells at his buddy. "I'm going in!"

Raph runs into the portal leading to Casey taking April's hand and jumping in with her. Donnie jumps in after her despite Leonardo's objections.

"Well we can't let them go alone!" Miley dives in.

"Shall we?" I ask Leonardo.

"Screw it," he replies. "We shall."

And we both jump in to the portal and end up in a long hallway surrounded by a gray, cloudy landscape with nothing but more portals on the sides.

"Guys?!" Mikey yells out alarmed. "The door is closed. We're trapped!"

"There's a lot of doors," Leonardo says. "Start looking for a way home."

We split up each looking at a different door. There are alien landscapes, planetary systems, but none of them look like Earth. One door in particular calls my attention as it's a landscape I once saw on screen at TCRI.

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