I thought I'd be shy, but I'm not. I thought I'd be scared, but I'm not. Nathan lays down, and I straddle him on top, holding his hands above his head against the mattress. I slide one hand down his body, all the way to his belt buckle and unclip it. I play with the zipper on his pants sliding it down. I tug at the top of his pants, sliding them down. He kicks them off, making them land on the floor. Nathan rolls over, hovering overtop of me. He grabs my hips and pulls my dress off over my head, revealing me only in my bra and underwear. Good thing I wore my sexy lace ones.

  Nathan stops, hovering over me and looking into my eyes. "You sure?" he gasps, tracing my lips with his fingers.

  "I couldn't be more sure," I answer, kissing him, but he pulls away. "What are you doing?" I ask, sitting up.

  "Um, well if we want to be safe, I have to..."

  "Oh right, go. But hurry back," I wink.

  Nathan walks away in his boxers, and closes the door behind him, giving me some privacy to think. I grab the sheets, wrapping them around my almost-naked body.

  I can't believe I'm laying here right now. I've never had sex before, and truthfully, I'm glad. I'm glad I waited. Nathan will be my first. I don't care if I'm not his, because I know he loves me.

  Nathan comes back in his boxers. He jumps on the bed, and I wrap the sheet just above his butt. "I want you," he says, sliding his hands behind my back and unclipping my bra, sliding it off. I shudder as he throws it on the floor.

  "I want you," I repeat. I lift my legs, and hook my toes into the top of his boxers, sliding them down. He shudders at my touch, and I smile as he does so.

  Nathan gribs my hips, taking a handful of my underwear. "It's a shame," he smirks, "I really liked these." After he says that, he rips them off of me, and throws the shredded lace to the floor. Nathan presses forehead to my chest and rolls his hips into mine, making a moan of pure pleasure escape my lips. Our hips move in synch, making our breathing speed up. Sweat begins to form between Nathan's eyebrows as he picks up his pace, shaking the bedframe underneath us.

  I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling them closer to me. He is mine, and no one else. I am his, and no one elses. We are now one. And it feels great.


  I wake up laying on my back, staring at the ceiling of Nathan's room. I smile as the memory of last night fills my head. Nathan's movements. the way he held me, then way he moaned my name, everything about last night was perfect, and I wouldn't take it back for the world.

  I turn my head to the side, to see Nathan's bare back, slowly moving up and down with his breathing. I smile as I move closer to him, pressing my chest to his back and kissing his shouder. "Morning babe," he moans, rolling over onto his back. I prop myself up on my elbow, holding the sheet under my arms.

  "Morning to you to mister," I smile, playing with his hands. I roll until I'm ontop of him, knotting my fingers in his hair. "How'd you sleep?"

  "Mmm, amazing, because you were here. What about you?"

  "Really good," I answer. "But, I better get home. My parents are probably worried."

  Nathan sits up, his hair messy. I laugh as I rub it back and forth, making his bottom lip stick out into a pout. "Can I hang out with you today?"

  "Don't you have four band members you need to hang out with?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

  "Yeah but they're all hanging with their girlfriends or their friends. So, I want to hang out with my girl," he answers, touching my nose with his, making it crinkle.

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