'I'm Nicole!' she replies giggling uncontrollably.

'Nicole?' I question

'Hmm Mmm?' she mumbles, her eyes shut as she looks in a random direction

'How much have you had to drink?'

'I dunno!! A glass? Two? No no Five! No sorry silly me!' she giggles 'Ten. But they were doubles so its ok'

I roll my eyes

'Nicole?' I question


'Go and get some water' I say walking away, over to some girls from my class, Jade and Jesy.

'Y'alright?' I greet them as they smile at me, soberly.

'Heya! How are ya?' Jade asks in her thick Geordie accent

'Good now. Good' I say drinking my beer

'How's uhm.... how's Thomas?' Jade asks

'He's good yeah. Why?' I ask curiously, grinning slyly

'Oh no reason. No reason' she says blushing slightly and looking at the ground

'I heard Harry hooked up with Perrie' Jest says smirking

'Perrie Edwards?!' I ask

'Mm Hmm!' they both say

'Isn't she ping out with Zayn?' I question

'She dumped 'em!' Jade says 'Found out 'es been sleepin' with some other girl'

'Asshole!' I say shaking my head and draining the last of my beer

'Isn't 'e?!' Jade says shaking her head

'Oooh and Liam hooked up with uhm...oooh what's her face!' Jesy says fumbling over the girls name

'Nicole!' Jade finishes 'They hooked up at a pool party at the weekend'

'Nicole and Liam?! I thought Nicole and Louis had a thing' I say confused

'Nicole 'as a thing. Louis' just bored of 'er! I think she was jus' one of Louis one night stands but wants it to be more!' Jade says shrugging

'Bless her!' Jesy says

'ELEANOR!' someone yells from behind me

'Thomas!' I grin back at the drunk boy

'Wasssssuuupy?' he asks giggling

'Your drunk' I say bluntly

'Whaaaat? Naw!' he says laughing

'You areee!' I say knowingly

'JADE!' Thomas says enveloping her in a hug as she frowns in confusion

'Hi' she says meekly

'I need to tell you a secret' he whisper yells

'Ya?' she asks

'I love you!' he says before crashing his lips into hers

Her eyes are wide in shock.

'HEY THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!' a guy, Sam, yells oushin Thomas off Jade.

He punches him square in the face and he staggers back, regaining his balance. Tom glares at him and knees him in the nuts.

Sam groans in pain and lunges at Thomas.

I scream and claw at Sam, trying to get the two drunk boys to stop fighting

'Gereof!' Sam growls

A slut... I mean girl, from my class, Becky I think her name is screams and lunges at me.

I scream at her and claw at her, trying to get the biutch off me.

She continues to claw at me so I punch her in the stomach. She doubles over and I stand up. Two other girls jump on me and Danielle starts clawing at them, helping me.

Suddenly, the girls are odff of me and Dani and I'm being lifted some where away from the continuing fight....

Authors Note


Chapter four! yay ;) hehe ok so there's been a lot of hate towards Eleanor lately, calling her a slut because she goes out and parties and gets a bit tipsy! That's complete and utter bullshit!

Eleanor is a 21 year old uni student who works her ass off to get her degree!!! So what if she goes out and has a good time sometimes??? So what if she gets a little tipsy? You call her a slut when she goes out and parties and has a cigarette but when the lads (One Direction lads) go out and do the same thing you encourage it! You bunch of narsasistic hypocrites!!

Ok sorry about that rant but its just a laid of BS!!!!

Love ye my wee little buttons!

~Niamh x

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