Chapter 5: New Friends

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"Here. You can sit with my friends and I." Kim offered after we got our lunch.

"Okay thanks." I said. Im not going to turn down an offer to sit with people at lunch. This way its easier to make friends.

Once we made it to the table i noticed three girls and two boys.

"Hey guys, this is Ahdree." She said when she sat down next to a boy with dark hair and skin.
I took a seat next to Kim and began to pick at my food.

"Ahdree," Kim began. "This is Kaylah." She said pointing to a girl with red hair and dark eyes.

"This is Blake." She put her hand on his chest. That must be her boyfriend.

"That is Shelby." She pointed to a girl with dark hair and blue eyes that stuck out because of her glasses that brought attention to them.

"And finally, that is Ryan." She motioned to a blonde boy with blue eyes in a snap back.

They all said hello in unison. Which made me smile. I didnt say anything back. I just smiled and looked back down at my food.

"So where did you come from?" Ryan asked randomly.

"Oh. I moved from Montana. " i nodded my head.

"Boring state?" A soft girls voice sounded. I looked over to see Shelby looking at me.

"The city i lived in, yeah." I replied with a little shrug.

"We will surely take care of that!" Ryan exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Kim asked intrigued into the conversation.

"We will show you how to have fun." Blake said with a smirk. His deep voice caught me off guard.

"Tonight?" Kaylah asked as she was now interested in the conversation.

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

"Okay. What time? Where should i meet you?" I asked trying to get all the necessary information.

"Just text me your address and ill pick you up around ..... Six maybe." Kim said handing me her phone so i could type in my contact and i gave her mine.

"I want you number too." Ryan winked at me causing me to laugh.

"Okay." I replied.

After we had ate lunch i ended up getting all of their numbers. Five new friends! Man this couldn't get any better. First day was a success.

I walked out of the building with Kim by my side. The rest of the group went to their individual cars while Kim insisted to walk me to mine. I hit the unlock button on the key ring causing the head lights to flash.

"Thats yours?" Kim asked astonished.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked with a small giggle.

"Its a truck! I never pictured you as a truck type of girl!" She exclaimed.

"Literally i just got this today! Ive always wanted one and i woke up and there was a note from my parents saying it was mine." I explained.

"I wish my parents were that awesome!" She whined.

"I bet they are! I cant wait to meet them one day." I said politely.

She smiled and back up from the door as i opened it.

"Well, ill see you tonight." She said with enthusiasm.

"Yes of course." I said and shit the door of the truck once she bid her final goodbye.

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