Outside those doors

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I looked down the hallway. To the little cluster of people. I went and got some extra ammo from the storage room and walked back to Vince and them. I ask them if they are ready. They ask for what and I tell them to get back our people. Vince tells me he's ready but no one else wants to go. I walk with him to the doors separating us and them. Vince looked at me. This door. It keeps us safe. Without this. All of us would be dead. I nod. He opens. Vince laughed. Abandon all hope. He who enters here. He smiled. Ya know. That's what God said was above the gate way to hell. Well shit. Here. We. Are. He puts his hands down and shakes his head. This is fucked up. I ain't had Taco Bell in years. And now THAT is the real sin here... Fuck. I walked with him as he talked about a lot of random things that where pretty funny. But I kept my cool so he wouldn't think of me as a huge joker. We get to the enemy compound. Vince looked at the place. Holy shit... I looked and covered my mouth. Vince sighed. Sarge... I see a man in an army uniform hanging from his neck by the top of the gate. I looked at Vince and you could tell he had lost some hope. I got him up and I shot a bullet through the rope holding Sarge. Vince started to come behind me but I told him to stay. Some of the guards came out and aimed guns at me. I lower mine and Vince comes behind them and caps them all. I look at him and run to my gun grabbing it. Alright. Now let's find casey. He nods and runs In with me.

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