Chapter Eighteen - Searching for Love

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Here's the next chapter............I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  It's my longest chapter ever!   Probably one of my favourites as well.   I cried writing was emotional to write.   

PLEASE vote and comment if you liked it!!!    And THANK YOU so much......I made it to #53 on the What's Hot List for Historical Romance!!!     Thank you so much to my loyal readers!!!!!

S  xo

Chapter Eighteen

It has been three days since Lord Stephen had confronted Lady Clarissa, three days and he still could not believe what she had told him.     So many things were going through his mind…….What?  Who?  When? 

How could she possibly not know who she coupled with?    If she had not been raped, then how could she have not seen who it was?   So many questions he still needed answered but the way things were left at Glouster,  he knew that he would not be welcomed back there any time soon.   He will go back though, he needed more answers, he was her guardian and he vowed to protect her.

Stephen had already questioned….more like threatened all of the remaining staff at Clarissa’s townhome.  He also questioned all of his own staff since Clarissa had spent many times there as well. 

No one saw her with a gentleman, no one saw anything.

He still needed to discuss this with Lucas.  He deserved to know the truth, yet Stephen knows that the truth will destroy him.   Tomorrow……in the morning Stephen will go and see Lucas and tell him what he knows.

Stepping into Lucas’s parlor, Stephen was not expecting the sight that he saw.   Lucas was visibly strained.    His arms stretched his above his torso, resting on the mantel, a bottle of brandy in one hand,  a glass in the other, he stared into the fire like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.   His cravat was askew, his white shirt was wrinkled and there was definitely more than a day’s growth of beard on his face.  He looked like hell.

Without even turning around…………”What the hell took you so long?   Where is she?” Lucas spat out.

“She’s with her sister-in-law, Lady Sarah,” Stephen hesitantly told Lucas. “Perhaps you should sit down Lucas.”

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