Chapter Fourteen - Searching for Love

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Chapter Fourteen


His morning ride was invigorating, Lucas felt alive and knew that where Lady Clarissa was concerned, he was making the right decision.   Even one of his closest friends, Lord Royce, convinced him that he was not making a mistake by wanting to marry for love.

Entering his study, Lucas was just taking off his overcoat when a footman arrived with a note for him.

“Sir, this arrived a while ago, the messenger said that he need not wait for a reply,” said the footman.

“Thank you Clarence,” Lucas replied.    Opening the note, he found it was from Annie, Clarissa’s lady’s maid saying that Clarissa was ill and would not be able to attend the dinner party this evening.

“Clarence, I need to go out again, please have my stallion saddled for me, my mare is still worn out from this morning’s ride.   I’ll be ready to leave in 20 minutes,” Lucas demanded.

“Yes, Sir,” replied Clarence.

Arriving at Clarissa’s home, Lucas was nervous, mostly upset to find out that Clarissa was ill.

Going down in a curtsey, “Your Grace, did you not get my note?” asked Annie.

“I did, thank you for that, I wanted to come and see Clarissa for myself.   Does she need a physician Annie?  What is ails her?” asked Lucas with some tenderness in his voice.

“Your Grace, Clarissa fainted again this morning.   Luckily she was not hurt and I was able to catch her before she fell completely, “ explained Annie.   “If I may speak freely Your Grace, but Clarissa is worn out.   I’m not sure what is wrong with her.  She so very tired, she eats little because of stomach upset.   She is very restless when she sleeps at night, I can hear her because my room is next to hers.”

“Thank you for telling me this Annie, anytime you want to speak freely to me about Clarissa, please do.   I appreciate your concern for your mistress.  Does she know that you sent me a note?” asked Lucas.

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