Chapter Twelve - Seaching for Love

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There is a bit of sexual content but this chapter is motified for a PG-13 ratings.   I will posted a R rated version in a section called "Restricted Chapters".

Please enjoy, VOTE and COMMENT..............oh and thank you to my most loyal fan........thelovelywar!!!!!

S xo

Chapter Twelve

The next few days passed by quickly.   Lucas came to visit Clarissa every day until her face was healed and she could go out in society again.   This evening would be their first night out since the ball and Lucas was taking Clarissa to the home of Lord and Lady Wickham.   They were having a cellist perform for a group of invited guests.

Wearing her new lavender gown, cut low in a scoop neck in the front and an even lower scoop in the back, Clarissa knew that Lucas would love the gown.    Her breasts were lush and full, her corset pushing them up as high as they could go without spilling over or looking indecent.

Putting some vanilla scented oil on her wrists and behind her ears, Clarissa went to wait for Lucas in her study, where she usually waited for him.  Her thoughts going back to the past few days of spending the afternoons with Lucas.   Holding hands, stealing kisses and heated glances over lunch.    Clarissa wanted more from Lucas and knew that he was holding back, she knew he made a promise to Stephen to be a gentleman, but the time has come that Clarissa wants him to stop being such a gentleman and take their intimacy a bit further.  

She heard the study door open and knew that it was Lucas, she heard her butler greet him and let him know where she was.    Slowly turning around from the window that she was looking out from, Clarissa decided to go down into a deep curtsey, wanting to give Lucas and ample view of what he was missing.

Lucas stood at the door dumbfounded.    The vision before him was breathtaking and he never felt so aroused as he did right now.   Taking two strides to reach for her, Lucas pulled her up and into his arms.

“Clarissa…….what is with the formalities?   Since when do you curtsey to me,” asked Lucas breathlessly.

“I wanted to show you my new gown Lucas,” breaking away from Lucas and doing a twirl, Clarissa showed him the back of her gown as well.     She could tell that he was pleased with the sound of his breath catching in his throat.

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