Chapter Four - Searching for Love

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S xo

Chapter Four

Day after the sex party……..

“Come in” replied Stephen looking up to see who was knocking on his door.

“Lucas… are up early this morning.    I saw you lead an enchanting woman off to one of my chambers.   I would have thought that you would have been taking it easy this morning” chuckled Stephen.

“Who was she Stephen?   I know it’s against your rules, but I want to see your list of the women invited to the party” asked Lucas.

“Lucas….you know that I cannot reveal to you who is on my guest list, please don’t ask me to do so.   I guarantee secrecy to the woman, leaving it up to them if they get involved with someone, to reveal themselves.     I take it you have no clue who the woman was you were with last night?”

“No, I haven’t a clue who she was, but all I know is that she had never attended any one of your parties before.   Can you tell me if you invited someone new?”

“ No, I did not.  I only invited the usual and that’s about all I’m going to tell you Lucas.  I’m sure from that you can figure out who the “usual” is.”

 “Come……join me in a cup of coffee Lucas.   I haven’t eaten yet this morning”.

“Neither have I Stephen, I woke up and rode straight here”.     

Chuckling, Stephen replied……..”So what is with this woman that you want to know so badly who she is?    You do realize that she was at one of my “sex” parties, that she’s probably a board-line whore”.

“There was just something about her Stephen.   She spoke softly, she had this aura of innocence, I can’t quite put my finger on it, but she was intoxicating.    I would love to see her again, perhaps even make her my mistress.    She was costumed as Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.   That's about as much as I know about her".

Searching for LoveWhere stories live. Discover now