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Chapter 29, Injured.

I giggle twirling around in my light blue dress. Alexander grins from ear to ear as i spin around and i stop stumbling and he catches me. "Alright silly. Let's go out to eat so we can let the others put up the decorations." He says. he picks me up and sets me on his hip. i rest my head on his shoulder as he walks down the stairs.

He grabs a random key for a car and unlocks it. he leads me to the chosen vehicle. It was a white Camero with tinted windows. He grins and grabs my car seat from a corner of the room. he puts it in and i am set into it. he buckles me up and i giggle as he does a little dance. he chuckles with me as he gets in and he speeds off making the tires squeal.

I yawn slightly and he smiles. "Sleepy already?" he asks. i nod as i let myself sleep.

what i don't expect to wake up at in in a cage. i immediately panic and glance around. it was to dark to see a thing and i hold in my whimpers the cage was a mesh of sorts and it was silver. I whimper pulling away but the bottom was silver also. i hear a loud booming chuckle and a grunt to my left and i snap my head up. a man was beating Alexander. "Daddy!" i wail. The man snaps his head up and Alexander looks towards me.

"Daddy!" I whimper. He gives me a small smile of reassurance and i sit up watching with horror just as the man's knee connects with his nose. Alexander lets out a strangled scream and i start crying. I push against the cage making it topple over and i whimper. the man lights a few torches showing me a few Alphas and kids, even lunas with their babies. I watch as Alexander slumps forwards clutching his face. The man's maniacal laughter rings in my ear and fury replaces my grief.

"Leave my daddy alone!" i growl. My voice was no longer mine. Adrenalin was coursing through my blood and i was shaking. Everyone's gaze snaps to my little form even the man's and he smirks. "Or what? Your gonna scream?" he taunts chuckling.

My breathing was becoming short and quick and i release a growl. it made the cages tremble and the ground shake. he goes pale but then he kicks Alexander right in the face. that i snap. i shift and crash against the cage. in an angry haze i slam against the cage and the dents. the man ignores my attempts of freedom and keep beating Alexander even though he is unconscious.

I claw at the mesh tearing it into shreds and i bolt out i was no longer i control of what happened and i was stuck in the back of my mind. i leap at the man just as he turns and grabs my throat. i twist around furiously and snap at his arm. I am soon lost into the darkness and i feel my fox in control blocking me from everything.

Fox's POV (Stream, River's fox)

I growl and snap at his hand biting deep. he yowls and flings me into a cage. a man yelps and i push off the cage bounding back to the man. How dare he hurt Rivers dad!? i leap up and snap at his bicep. he yelps grabs my scruff. he tears me off with a grunt and throws me into a very far off wall. i lay in a crumpled heap and i feel a hand rest on my shoulder. "You can do it little one. You are brave." a man says softly. i slowly lift my head up and i see a man with a kid huddled behind him. The man was young, No older than twenty-three I stand stumbling. My ribs hurt and i automatically knew they were broken. i give a small nod to the man and i bound quickly to the man with a savage growl. Bite the back of his neck and i rip a chunk out of him as he howls. i slam into the back of his knees and he hits the back of his head just as i tear out his throat. he gurgles before the light dims in his eyes. people around me cheer but i felt nothing.

I inch towards Alexander and i nudge his cheek. he moan in pain and i nudge him again with a whimper. His eyes flutter open slowly and he spot me. "Hey." He whispers. i let out a relieved sigh and give River back control.

River's POV

As I came to i was curled up into Alexanders chest. Breathing hurt badly and my chest did to. I couldn't move or else the pain would turn worse. I let out a small whimper as i open my eyes. people were out of the cages and were watching in silence. Alexander gently rubs my cheek. "Hang in there little one, You'll be okay." he says just as i spiral back into the darkness.

I wake up on a bed in a white room My ribs ached and a very annoying Beeping noise. I let out a croak and Alexander gasps. "River! Oh thank Goddess your okay!" he says. he tilts my head up and gives me a little water and i sigh.

"Daddy... I hurt." I say softly. My ribs were throbbing a he gently sets my head down. "You'll be okay. You got some gifts from the pack for your birthday, You can open them when you get well. I promise." he says shakily. Tears were running freely down his cheeks and i realize i have a mask thing on my face. i reach to pull it off but Alexander pulls my hand down. "No baby, You have to keep that on it helps you." he says softly.

"What's wrong with me?" i whisper. He hesitates. "Baby, None of us know yet. You have problems with breathing so you need to keep it on." he says softly. i whimper as he bursts into body wracking sobs. "Daddy... I'll be okay... I won't leave you." i whisper as unconsciousness pulls at me. "I love you baby doll." he whispers before I'm sent into darkness.

Im crying now. Wahh.

Sorry for lack of updates. I have been busy.

Tell me your feelings of this chapter, do you think the pack doctor can fix her?
Do you think Alexander will find his mate?
Will... Will river be okay???
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