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chapter 9, Are we safe?

Thank you to Smith1103

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The howls come again and this time Mike answers it with his own howl. "Shut up Mike, or she's getting it!" Alpha snarls at Mike. he grits his teeth but bows his head. I watch with wide eye as alpha lifts a whip over his head. aiming at me. he snaps it but Mike was there taking the blows for me. he was holding me to him despite the silver on him. "Take him to a different cell." alpha barks. Mike gets jerked off of me and I cry out to him trying to jump at him but alpha had me in a firm grip. I watch as he struggles against the men. he soon disappears from sight and I fall to my knees hugging myself.

Alpha stalks out and another group of howls are nearby. after a second I howl and Mike joins in. "Shut up!" alpha roars. The whole place shook and the other prisoners whimper and cry. no more howls came and I crawl to the door. "River?" a soft melodic voice says from behind me. I spin around coming to face a girl. she had pale silver hair, pale skin, silver-blue eyes, and she was wearing a pale gray gown. "River, I need you to be strong. he is coming to help you from here, you need to trust his pack, they will help you." she says before winking out of existence confused I stare where she was before.

I turn around and I try to reach up at the window. I turn around and I look for anything to help me climb up to the window where bars were supposed to be, but weren't. a stool was sitting in the corner and I tug it to the door. hope and worry for Mike flare and I climb up it. I peer out of the window seeing no one, silent except for the shifting of prisoners and the occasional squeak or muffled cry from an animal or another prisoner. I climb up and I nearly tumble to the ground if I hadn't had a hold on the window I let myself drop and I land on my rump.

I totter to a desk where a key lay upon and I take it silently. I totter along the row until i here a croaky whisper. "River..?" I face the whisper to see Mike against the wall looking pale and weak. i go on my tiptoes and I manage to unlock the door just as feet echo from behind the stairway that lead here. i hurry in closing the door. i hurry to him and he pulls me into a hug. "How?" he asks in a whisper. a howl of anger fills the room and he pushes me behind him.

I stay silent and we hear the pound of boots on the ground making everyone whimper. "River, come out, come out wherever you are." Alpha coos. i curl up tightly and Mike leans back slightly hiding me more. "Mike have you seen River? if you don't tell me where she is i'll kill her when she is found in right in front of you." Alpha growls. "No alpha." Mike says bowing his head in submit. Alpha growls and stalk farther down and Mike gives me a soft pat on my leg.

Alpha shouts a curse and dashes by ignoring us. "Your pack isn't going to live Mike!" Alpha howls out. the door slams shut and I peek up from his shoulder. Mike relaxes his posture slightly and i crawl out. i unlock the silver careful of my own and he take the key from me and unlocks me. He wraps me into a tight loving hug and i smile slightly.

Howls and growls begin and I freeze. "Don't worry, that is just Alexander and the pack fighting to get us free, I mind linked him." Mike whispers. i lay my head on his shoulder and he hugs me tightly.


Thanks for the votes, i want to save the action for next chapter. Enjoyed?

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