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Chapter seventeen. Alone
Stay With Me - Sam Smith

I am still cradled in Alexander's chest as he walks back to the pack house. With a whimper i huddle in his chest. Mike was gone. I only just had him and he is now gone.
Alexander kisses my forehead and rubs my arm gently. After a few minutes we are back at the pack house. Dead men lay with deep gashes in their bodies and some had snapped necks. Mira held Alice and Alicia as many mothers hold their children to them. "We will host the ceremony next full moon. May then will we be filled with joy!" Alexander says over the whimpers and grieving howls of morning family.
Some look others merely glance up. I spot Mike's body among them and i shudder. "Its okay." he whispers gently. He carries me into the pack house and up to my room where he lays me on the bed and sits on the edge of the bed.
"Are you okay River?" he asks softly. I shake my head and he sighs. "Don't worry. The pack and many more will love you." he says lightly
"B-but he saved m-me..." I whisper. "I know. He was brave. But he wouldn't want you sad all your life." he says gently. "O-okay..." i lie.
He nods believing my lie and he rubs my arm. "Would you like to see their burning?" he asks. i nod slightly. He sighs. "Okay. I'll come get you soon. Try to sleep a little." he whispers. I only nod and he leaves hesitantly. After a few minutes i force myself to shift with a wince.
I stand slowly the sweater was ripped. I slink slowly out of the door and i dash down the stairs. I reach the doors that lead outside. They were closed and i whimper. "What is a fox doing here..?" a man asks behind me.
I spin around noticing it was one of the men that held Alexander back. I stand on my back paws leaning against the door and he tilts his head. He was almost as tall as Alexander and he was lean but muscular.
He had bright gray blue eyes and stubble. He was only about nineteen or twenty and had a scar from his chin to his left eye. The door opens from behind and i land on my back before scuttling away.
I dash into the forest with the man chasing me. I slip into a hollow area underneath multiple roots and a large sandy colored paw tries to scratch at me. I snap at it pulling off fur in my teeth. I spat it out with a shudder as the wolf yelps.
I cower back when it shoves its snout in and i put both paws on his nose and he pulls out startled. I huddle against the roots and it lowers its head.
It peers at me through a head and i let out a little fox giggle. He tilts his head and whines. At that i tilt my head. It pulls away and i poke my head out cautiously. He was now human in a pair of shorts.
"You are River aren't you?" he asks. I crawl out and sit in front of him looking up. I nod after a moment and he tilts his head. "And Mike was someone close... Your brother perhaps?" he asks. I flinch slightly but i nod.
"Im sorry for you loss. Should we head back before you father gets angry or worried?" he asks. I sighs but i nod. He picks me up and sets me on his shoulder where i put my paws on his head and i stand. He chuckles and walks back to the pack house.
I see Alexander looking around quickly. "River!?" he calls. I let out a fox yip and his head snaps to me. He was shaking with his eyes pitch black. I whimper and i crouch on the man's shoulders. Alexander... Or Briar stalks forwards. The man pauses looking hesitant.
"Uh. Alpha... Please calm down you are scaring her..." the man says placing a hand on my back and shifting on his feet. "Why was she out and why is she shifted?" Briar growls. I flinch and the man tilts his head. "I don't know sir. I found her by the door, someone opened it and she ran off." the man says.
I shift slightly and i bow my head slightly. "A-Alpha... Control your wolf!" the man says now backing up. I lift my head slightly to see Alexander shaking in fury.
I whine and jump off his shoulder to the ground going on my belly crawl slowly to him. He kicks out and i fly across the yard before hitting the ground. I roll multiple times before coming to a stop.
I slowly stand and I look at Alexander. He was still shaking in rage and i shuffle back bowing my head in submission. I'm lifted into the arms of the man that followed me and he backs up slowly as Alexander advances forwards.
I was now shaking in fear and the man shifts slightly. "Alpha... Calm down. Think of poor River! She is frightened!" the man says. That makes Briar falter slightly.
I could see he was fighting internally and the man sets me down slowly. I hesitantly step forward meeting Briar's gaze.
Green overrides the black and i could see the regret in his eyes.
"What did i do..?" he asks softly horrified. Slowly I back up to the man and I lower myself to my stomach.
I was injured. My leg was broken from his kick. The pain finally overrides my fear and i whimper. He slowly sits down and watches me with pain and sorrow in his eyes. The man shifts slightly and then sighs before heading inside.
"Come here River..." he says. His voice thick with sorrow. Hesitantly i crawl forwards and once i'm a foot away i stop. "I'm sorry. Briar freaked out when i couldn't find you and took control... I'm a terrible father aren't I?" he asks. After a moment i shake my head still staying low to the ground.
He just whimpers and bows his head. "You don't have to lie River." he murmurs. I crawl forwards and i nuzzle his cheeks. He looks at me tears in his eyes. I lick his cheek telling him it wasn't his fault through my eyes and he smiles slightly.
"Briar wants to talk to you... Is that okay?" he asks. After a moment i nod and his eyes turn black. "I'm sorry River. I... Got angry that you left and i thought you weren't coming back. I'm sorry i hurt your paw. Can you forgive me?" he asks. I nod sitting back on my hind paws with a wince and i put my paws on his cheeks. He chuckles and his eye have a mix of green showing they were both in control.
"Thank you for forgiving me River." he says softly. i yip and lick his cheek. He lifts me into my arms careful of my leg and stands. "I'll take you to the pack doctor and to try and mend your leg. But it would mean you'll have to stay in fox form and heal." he says. I only shrug my fox shoulders and he chuckles walking into the house.

Forgiven? Mm yeah i suppose.
Broken and then Fixed has a new cover. hopefully when i get my tablet fixed i can get a newer and better cover.
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