Part 3 - The Complication

Start from the beginning

"I think I've discovered perfection..." Katniss said drowsily, still enjoying the flavor of the sausage and cheese, the tart burst of berries, the cool tea and the crusty bread. She hadn't eaten that well in a long while.

Peeta rolled onto his elbow to look down at her. "If there's food involved, you're usually pretty happy,"

"Mmm-hmmm," she moaned in satisfaction. She turned her head slightly to where Madge and Gale were surprisingly deep in conversation.

"What do you think?" Peeta asked, indicating in the same direction as her.

"I don't know," she said quietly. "They were barely civil the first few times we met up but little by little, they seem to be warming up to each other."

Peeta nodded, looking from the couple to her. "There's no reason for them not to. Madge is really sweet and easy to get along with."

"Yeah, and Gale is..." she let the sentence trail off as she searched for a way to describe her friend. "Tall. Dark. And..."

"Ominous?" Peeta suggested, which made Katniss laugh.

"He is that, too, I suppose. But he's good, you know. Good without all the extras. He's not conversational or chatty," She smiled when she said this because he was being exactly that now, even allowing a small smile to cross his face at something Madge said. "He's not charming and doesn't always say the right things, the way you do," she poked Peeta in the nose, which he wrinkled playfully. "But he has a good heart and he's very steady. If a girl can appreciate that, he'll make her happy."

"Hmmm, sounds like your boyfriend's a real catch," Peeta teased, kissing Katniss, leaving her slightly delirious.

When he pulled back, she squeezed her arms around his neck, forcing him back down onto her again. "He is. And I'm not sharing him with anybody" she said before returning the toe-curling kiss. When she pulled back, her eyes became serious.

"What is it?" Peeta asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Nothing, really. I just, when things seem great, I'm always terrified something will come along and ruin everything. You know?"

Peeta nodded. "I know. But I have to tell you, my mother has been on cloud nine since we started this. I didn't think it would work but you were right. It is working. I brought it up to her just yesterday, and she seemed to be thinking about it. I don't see any obstacle to her signing off on the bakery. Then, we won't have to hide from anybody any more," Peeta squeezed her tightly. "We'll be free and able to do whatever we want. It's just a matter of time, okay?"

Katniss nodded, hoping desperately that he was right. She glanced over at Madge and Gale, sitting close together, almost shoulder to shoulder. He was showing her something that apparently she found gripping because she couldn't help but stare in amazement. Even if nothing else came out of this, at least she was able to say that Gale and Madge could now get along.

But as she turned her attention to Peeta again, she couldn't help the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach, the sensation that something was going to happen. Remembering Peeta's words, she pulled him down to her again, and kissed him like she would consume his soul, trying desperately to forget the premonition that was beginning to dog her.


"The Mayor's daughter, no less!" Mrs. Mellark exclaimed several days later from the counter at the bakery. Katniss was almost positive that, for once, Peeta's mother was not raving about her son's girlfriend for Katniss's benefit. As she and Gale lingered at the back entry of the bakery, she could hear the entire conversation taking place at the bakery counter.

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