Shouldn't he at least take my help if I'm saying I'm okay to work? Yeah I look a little bad and the customers might get worried but that doesn't mean I'd do a bad job just because it looked like I was injured. 

I was debating to myself whether to go back to the cafe or not to protest to work, because in reality I didn't want to go back home. While I was walking with my head down, I accidentally bumped into someone. "I-I'm sorry" I say bowing, not even looking up at the person but the person staid standing in front of me. Like they were waiting for me to look up. 

Once I looked up, I saw it was Dohyun. "D-Dohyun?" I stutter, looking at him with my eyes shaking.

"What's up loser, what're you doing down town? Taehyung isn't with you so are you just here to roam around, alone?" He asks and I staid quiet. 

"Only a loser would go down town alone... hey I have a good idea, why don't you hang out with me?" He asks raising one eyebrow and I knew this wouldn't be good. 

I knew Dohyun didn't want to hang out with me to laugh and order some food at McDonalds or something, he wanted to hang out with me because it was a good chance for him to pick on me. 

"Actually...I-I need to get home, my dad is waiting for me" I explain, it's not like I was lying though. If my dad found out I wasn't at work, he'd get more then just mad at me, he'd  be fumed. He'd be so angry he might even do something I don't want to think about.

"Well your old man doesn't have to know" Dohyun says in a smile and I didn't say anything. 

"You know, I think I know a place you'd enjoy a lot" Dohyun says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and starting to walk, which was leading me to walk with him. 

I didn't want to go along with him, but it's not like I could push him away and run or else he would just catch up to me and beat me up. I'm slower then he is so there's no doubt he'd catch up to me in no time either.

Dohyun and I walked for a while until we got to a place where there were a lot of gay bars and homosexual amusement. I've always heard about this side of down town, but I've never dared to go down here. "Isn't it nice, your people are here?" Dohyun asks in a chuckle. 

I push him away a bit, explaining in a stern tone "I-I'm not gay Dohyun." 

"It didn't look like that when you were eating Taehyung's face that one time we recorded it." Dohyun says, leading me to a love motel and just walked inside.

He didn't pay the man at the front desk or anything, the man just let him walk inside. I followed obediently behind Dohyun, and as Dohyun opened a room a bunch of his other friends were inside there like they were waiting for us. 

Now I understood why the man at the front desk didn't say anything, because Dohyun probably already paid for the room. I looked at Dohyun confused and asks "Dohyun...what'd you bring me here for?" 

"Oh nothing, you just have someone to do it with." 

"Someone to do it with?" I ask, looking at Dohyun confused and someone then came walking into the room with his hands handcuffed behind his back. It was Taehyung. 

I looked at Taehyung with wide eyes and he looked a bit surprised to see me as well. Probably because of how beaten up I looked. 

"Are you okay Hoseok?" He asks me, but as he  said something, the person standing next to him slapped him across the face to 'shut him up.' 

I looked at Dohyun still pretty confused and asks "what is all of this Dohyun, what do you mean I have someone to do it with?" 

"Get the hint Hoseok, you're doing it with this dude" Dohyun says referring to Taehyung, now pushing me onto the king sized bed which was beside us. 

"D-Do it with him?!" I repeat looking from Dohyun to Taehyung. 

"Dohyun don't make us do this! You know I just got Areum back!" Taehyung exclaims and just hearing him say that made my heart hurt. I knew he was only saying that to try and make the others think he was a straight, loyal boyfriend but it still hurt my heart when he mentioned Areum. 

"You two were never going to make it anyway, she's cheating on you dude" Dohyun explains in a chuckle and someone behind Taehyung pushed him onto the bed. 

Taehyung struggled to sit up since his hands were still handcuffed behind his back but once he did sit up, he looked at Dohyun in anger. "What do you mean she's cheating on me?" 

"She's cheating on you with me dude" he explains in a smirk and I could see Taehyung get madder by the second. Why was he so mad though, he basically cheated on her too, but with me. Or....does he not think of us as anything? Was everything he told me yesterday fake? Was it all just to stop me from making myself throw up? Gosh that makes me want to throw up even more.

I started feeling nauseous in my stomach but that didn't stop them from pushing Taehyung on top of me and unlocking the handcuffs. 

One boy locked the door so we couldn't leave and Dohyun pulled out a video camera. "This will be fun filming...and this time I'll make sure you don't delete or report it right when I post it" Dohyun explains before turning on the video camera and recording the both of us. 


Hey guys there's going to be some smut in the next chapter so be prepared for that. Yeah Dohyun came back but it's mostly just for revenge to get more proof that Taehyung and Hoseok are gay and to basically ruin their lives. You know, the normal. Thank you for reading though, so many of you guys are giving me so much support with this book it's unbelievable. It really means a lot!

Imperfection (Vhope fan fiction 18+)Where stories live. Discover now