Chapter 7

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~Jenne's POV~          ~FHS~
"Ugh. Sometimes I wish I was in PDH." I mumble to myself.
I slouch back in my chair.
'Why must I be in Algabra? Bleh. I don't even understand any of this crap.'.
The bell rang as students began pouring into the hall. I made my way to my study hall. I spotted my friend Emma and sat next to her.
" was your day?" She asked, setting her chin on the heel of her palm.
"Boring. Like usual." I sighed. "Well, at least its study hall. Almost time to go home." I smiled.
"You know it's only the first week of our first semester right? Of Freshman year mind you." She replied with a smirk.
"Shut up Emma." I said, clenching my hand.
"Can the following students please report to Ms. Tetreault's office. Brittny Star, Emma Huntress, Jannessa Kelly, and Sheylee Fenerd. Thank you." The intercom rang out.
Emma and I exchanged looks and walked down to the assistant principal's office. All of us looked at each other in concern and confusion as we sat in her office.
"Look girls, I'm sorry I must do this to you all." She said, looking at us.
All that ran through my mind was "Oh crap. She's expelling us! WTF did I do?! Well...okay... WTF did EMMA do?! She's innocent I tell you! Innocent!".
"You all are being transferred." She said.
"WHAT?!" We all yelled in unison.
"Yes. Your parents were already informed. I'm sorry girls. I hate to do this. You all may return to your study halls for the final time here. I'll miss you four.".
We all head back to our rooms.
I sat there at my desk all of study hall trying to comprehend what just flipping happened.
The bell rang.
I went to my locker and gathered the few things I had. I walked home to see moving vans in our driveway.
~Time Skip to car ride to new house cuz I can (also I'm out of ideas -_-)~
My eyes start to feel heavy. I slowly lean over and fall asleep.
Jen: Yay! Finally done with the intro chapters! Now we can get to the good stuff!
Kiana: Intro chapters?
Monty: Yup. The chapters that first introduce all the universes.
Kiana: What was this one though? What does "FHS" stand for?
Jen: Hehehe. It stands for "Farmington High School". It's the high school in my old town.
Dylan: But why tho?
Jen: Cause I can. That's why *flips hair sassily*
Monty: *thinks* Damn. So sassy. #Thesassisreal
Kiana: Does he always space out?
Jen: Sometimes. It's fine. Just let him be.
Kiana: Okay...😐
Jen: Anyway I hope you liked this chapter! The next one is currently...well...we have the title written down...that's about it 😑. Only hint is, Candy Zombies? Next time!! Bye!!

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