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This is my little sister, da...

She is very scary..... so scary... so scarrryyyy....!!!! TJT *shiver*

So anyways heres the Facts of Life.

- This girl.... is scary as hell....

- She is very pretty.... 

-She’s also very mean...

-She wants “to become one with me” but... thats not happening...

-it would be really icky and just a little bit scary....

- She loves me a lot.. but sometimes it doesn’t seam that way....

-She’s scary... (that must be stated again)..

-When ever i think about her i get kinda depressed... i mean..c come on who wouldn’t

- She seams to stalk me quite a bit...

1 Im just a little bit afraid of her.... just a.. little... hmmm.. 

But thats the Fact of Life and.....i... have... to... deal with it,da..... TJT *

*Goes and cries in his rooms... Britain walks in... “Oh No.... What’s wrong with Russia.. this means something really scarys gonna happen!” 

 That thing is freaking scary!!! ------->

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