Russia's Fact's of Life!

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A/N: So this is a web blog about my facts of life, da..........

Each chapter will have a different view of something.....

Mainly.... Flowers and Vodka though... ^J^ 

Ok so here it goes, da!

Facts of Life Chapter 1: Prussia

-Russia is better then any other nation but Prussia..... apparently.,...

-We hold the same amount of epicness.....

-But he hogs all the AWESOMNESS... this makes me sad.....

-Even though he mildly hates me.... he will someday become one with me! ^J^

-He just doesn’t know it yet.....

-I still don't get why he hates me...

-Im so Russian,.... how could you hate a Russian?

-I actually don't get why everybody's afraid of me as well.....

Oh well........

Back to torturing Latvia ^J^

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