Chapter 1: First Encounter

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"OhmygoshohmygoshohmyGOSH!" Yelled Rosalie. "Lily! We're going to school in twenty minutes! I'm so excited!" Rosalie jumped up and down the middle of the room, her black long hair bouncing on top of her shoulders.

I snorted. "You're probably one of the only people who's said that." I joked, not looking up. I kept reading my magazine.

Rosie rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said. "It's our first day of high school. Don't act like your not excited."

I lifted a brow. "You know we're seniors right?"

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean," she said. "This is our first day at Westcott, don't act like you're not excited!" She waltzed over to the entrance, opening the front door. "After you." She motioned her hand toward the door.

"Thanks," I said. Rosie followed me out the door, walking beside me as we took the road that led to the school. The school was conveniently close to Rosie's house. Only a five minute walk from Rosie's house. Which meant that we left way too early. School started in thirty minutes.

As much as Rosie was excited, I could tell she was a bundle of nerves. I could see the slight drip of sweat across her forehead, and she was antsy.

Even though this was her dream school, it was still a bit nerve-wrecking. See, the thing is, Westcott High is for the elite. Only thirty percent of the applicants actually get enrolled and only half of that thirty percent will actually make it to graduation. To get in, you need to have grades higher than ninety-five percent in all classes, including gym. Also, you need recommendations from at least four teachers in middle school, the more recommendations the better. Rosie passed her classes easily, while I got the bare minimum to actually enroll.

It was expensive, too. I wasn't exactly rich. At all. Middle class would be the correct term, and that's still a stretch. My mother was smart enough to make a whole education plan for me.

And to be honest, I don't really want to go to this school. The only reason I actually attend this school is because of Rosie. We've been best friends for eleven years, so we're really close, but we couldn't possibly be more different. One key difference: She actually knew what she wanted to do with her life. She wants to become a professional violist and the school has an amazing music program. I however, have no clue what I want to do. I play the violin, so I'll be in the same program as Rosie, but I'm not sure if I want to make that my career. I worked hard to get in this school solely for the reason of being along Rosie's side.

"Earth to Lily. Hello?" Rosie said, snapping me out of my whole mental speech I just wrote.

"Sorry about that, what were you saying?" I asked.

"Um, I was saying that we're already here. Look to your left." She said.

God, this school was huge! I don't know how I missed it. The school was planted in the middle of the street, and I was standing in front of a large archway leading a path to the front doors of the school.There were seperate buildings for different programs. Music (which Rosie and I were in), STEM, theatre, art, there was even a medicine field in Westcott! And the rest of the school property was squared off by ten-foot gates with pointed tops. The word to describe it would be classy. Or medieval.

"You ready?" I asked Rosie. We just walked past the archway, standing a few yards from the school.

"Pfft, no." Rosie replied. I had to agree with her, this was a bit intimidating.

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