Chapter 2

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--The next day--

Luhan's POV

I wake up early, and got ready quickly. Ugh...I still cannot believe I agreed to that stupid dare...I'm pretty

sure Kai put that one in just for me... But, that doesn't matter how much I act feminine or dress

up like a girl no one will mistake me for a girl.

I grab my wallet and head out the door. I have to find an outfit, wig and some makeup to wear. "Aaaish!!

Ugh!" I whine my way out of my apartment. I get into my car and start up the engine, and drive to the

nearest mall. First, I go get myself some basic makeup. I cannot believe they(Luhan's squad) made me

stay up all last night to watch hair and makeup tutorials. They really want to make me look as much as a

girl as possible.

Foundation...Check, Powder...Check, Eyeliner...Che-nah I'll just borrow Baekhyun's,

Blush...Check, Mascara...Check, Eyeshadow...Check, Lipgloss...Check. I struggle to hold all the items in my

hands and cause them to fall. Suddenly, a pair of gentle looking hands catch them just in time before they

break. I look into the stranger's sparkly eyes. "Here you go Madam." replied the handsome guy. Well...that

ruined my first impression of him! "For God's sake I'm a guy!!"I replied irritated. I grab the makeup from his

hands hastily and cause them to fall again. Once again, his gentle, soft hands pick them up for me. "Hehe"

giggled the guy. "Would you like a bag, Mada-Sir? Hehe"asked the guy continuing to giggle. "No thanks!! I'll

ask the respectful staff instead!" I reply rudely. This time I'm more carful to grab the makeup. "I work here

too."explained the handsome face. I look at him closer this time, the way his hair frames his face and how

tall he is and then I see his uniform hanging on his shoulder. *facepalm* " should wear you

uniform at least!" I reply with a grumpy tone. "I'm actually on lunch break."replies the guy. He always seems

to have the right thing to say to me... He then opens a bag underneath my hands, implying me to drop the

items inside. I carefully lay the items inside the bag. "Come this way...I'll check you out." he said. My eyes

widen in surprise to what he just said. 'I'll check you out?' I repeat to myself. Suddenly my heart starts to

beat faster and I start to sweat. He notices my expression and recalls what he just said. "Oh! I didn't mean it

like that! What I meant was that I would check you- I mean..., I can help know what I meant

right?"replied the guy while blushing and scratching his neck. And I don't know why but that makes my heart


even faster than before. "Yeah...I know what you mean. Don't worry about it." I told him reassuringly as I

make my way to the cash register. He carefully checks out the items in the bag. Yeah...checks out the

items...not me, you pervert... I grab out my credit card and slide it into the machine. $25.99! The price takes

me off guard. Wow! That's expensive! For just makeup?! Wow! Once again the guy catches my expression

and giggles. "Hehe...First time buying makeup? Huh?"asked the guy. Somehow this time his laugh is cuter

and more adorable than before. "Yah...umm...its for a friend."I quickly make up a lie. "Ohh! That's

nice."replied the guy while handing me my bag and receipt. As I walk out of the store he follows behind me.

"Buying anything else for you friend?"he asks. I look up and his face is two inches away from

heart beats faster and faster like there's no tomorrow. "Uh? Oh! Umm...yeah I have to get an outfit and a

wig." I manage to spit out behind the beating of my heart, "Cool can I join? I have two sisters...I could help."

asked the guy. "Umm...sure."I replied. Why did I say that?!?! Ahhh!!!! And why does he make my heart beat

faster?!?! "Yah!! Oh! By the way I'm Sehun, Oh Sehun."said the guy, Sehun. "I'm Luhan" I responded. "

"Luhan? What a pretty name!" he complimented me while we walk out of the store. "Oh...thanks" I reply

while blushing and looking down shyly. No one has ever complimented my name before. For a moment he

made me feel special! Like I was the only one in world he noticed for that second, for that moment. Ahhhh!!! I thinking about stuff like this?!?!? Ahhhh!!! What's wrong with me! I think to myself as I hit my

head. We walk towards a clothing store.

Sehun's POV

She's--he's beautiful. I've always felt confident in front of others. But, for some reason he made me want to

hide...and curl up in a ball of embarrassment and shyness. can a guy be this cute!! For real I just want to hug him and hold him tight like there's no tomorrow and hold hands with him

and show him off to my friends. I feel like I just won the I've been hugged by thousand

unicorns ...ahhh what's happening to me?? I continue to stare at him like I was a kid in a candy shop.

(a/n that's it for this chapter...follow me to be updated on the book. In the next chapter Luhan will continue his little 'date' with Sehun and maybe even met Kris? How do you guys like it so far? Please leave comment for me to read!! And please tell me how you like or don't like the story!! Please!!! I'll try to update every week or so...maybe even more than once a week...I have summer break in 5 days!!! Yah!! Well...that's pretty much it! Please anticipate the next chapter!!)

Broken between Two Hearts (Hunhan + Luris)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora