"Hey you ok?" Shizuo asked picking up the breathing tubes and putting them in Izayas nose so he could get better airflow. "Your a wreck. Its amazing you lived through this one. How do your arms feel?"

"T...they don't feel. I can't move them anymore. My body is numb....tired. I feel drained." Izaya mumbled resting his head on Shizuo's shoulder his arms limp at his sides.

His legs curled up close to his body. Shizuo had his arms around him in a protective way. Izaya yawned looking up. His rubbed his face against Shizuos cheek.

"What are you doing? Weirdo...." Shizuo glared down at Izaya

"Your holding me. I can't move... Might as well be paralyzed. So I'm cuddling you." Izaya said quietly resting his face on Shizuo's shoulder pushing his face I to Shizuo's neck.

"Your making me uncomfortable." Shizuo growled

"You like it. Shizu-chan has a soft spot." Izaya teased falling back into unconsciousness.

"No I..." He looked down at Izaya who was out cold." Yes flea I do. Being close to you makes me feel like I have something to protect instead of breaking. Even if you are broken. I want to fix it so your not so damaged. If that makes any sense..." Shizuo sighed resting a hand on Izayas back.

The doctor came in around 5 am waking up Shizuo. He injected a final needle in Izayas side. The medicine woke Izaya up and he regained feeling in his arms. They were in pain and he didn't want to move them. So he wore arm  slings.  Felt like a straight jacket for both arms. Shizuo tried to refrain a chuckled at the dark blue slings. Izaya glared at him as he held a spoon full of soup in front of Izaya.

"Come on  you have to eat. Or do you want a tube down your throat again?" Shizuo said in a dark tone.

"Hell no I'm not eating that crap. I wanna go home and be alone." Izaya grumbled

"Hey don't complain to me. Its not my fault your here stupid."  Shizuo growled.

"I don't care whose fault it is I want to go h-" he was cut off by a deep pain in his chest that made him lay back. "D..damn ouchy...." Izaya whined looking up at the ceiling.

"Does your chest hurt? The medication should relieve some of the pain." Shizui said putting down the soup.

"Yes I feel all ouchy all over." Izaya whined like a child.

" Well  your doing pretty good, the worst part is over so you may be able to go home. If you get worse the doctor will send you ti a hospital. For mental patients." Shizuo glared at Izaya then undid the slings and massages Izaya's chest hoping to relieve some pain.

"I'm fine...." Izaya resting his arms on his stomach looking away.

The massage on his chest made him drowsy and he wanted to sleep again. His eyes were heavy. But he flinched when the door was open and Shinra came in.

"Gone for 24 hours and feels like a week. Anyways how are you?" Shinra said smiling at Shizuo greeting him. He sat on Izaya's bed looking down at Izaya. "Izaya?"

"I want to go home. That's all I want." Izaya mumbled.

"Oh ya that reminds me. I sold your apartment." Shinra said but was Interrupted by Izaya.

"You did what?!!!" Izaya yelled as loudly as he could.

"You didn't let me finish. I got you a closer one to my house and it's big enough for two. Celty and I security proofed the place no one will break in. Plus you will be living with Shizuo." Shinra finished.

"What?! B...but why?" Shizuo said raising his voice.

"Your making me live with a monster. I'll be dead for sure and I don't even have to work at it!!" Izaya yelled. Then curled up in a ball pain shooting in his chest.

Izaya felt his mind fall further into a dark hole. Surrounded bye blackness. Unable to move frozen in time, his eyes clouded with fever and rage. He felt sick to his stomach. Shizuo and Shinra argued for a moment. It wasn't the bad kind where they would strangle one another. It was about me, my well being, but why did they care so much. I know what Shinra is doing. We would all live  close like neighbors. Might as well live in a house together. Still, I felt awful head spinning, I let my mind fade into the darkness as my vision blurred and everything went black. Shinra looked down at me.

"Izaya? Hey!" Shinra shook Izaya's shoulder gently. "Well I guess when he wakes up he will be in his new house. I told the doctors I would take him. I'm a doctor myself and I can handle the situation better now. My skills only go so far you know?" Shinra said looking at Shizuo.

"Y...ya. Did you bring a car or what? I mean well I can carry him. He weighs less than 100 pounds. Which is pretty bad. How you plan on fixing that?" Shizuo said looking down at Izaya, he picked up the flea gently.

"Well there is a will there is a way. I'm sure we can come up with something. Hopefully he doesn't throw everything up." Shinra said in a worried tone

Shinra got up putting a blanket he brought around Izaya as he led the way to his van. The seat in back was big enough to lay down on. So that's what Shizuo did. Laying Izaya down in the seat making a bed out of it. A pillow lay behind Izaya's head and the blanket around him securely. Shizuo sat on the floor cramped a little beside Izaya as Shinra got in and drove them all home. Shizuo laid Izaya down in his old bed. He still looked to small for it. The new place wasn't as big as the old place. Half of it looked like Shizuo's things and the other half Izaya's things. Eventually everything mixed together. Shizuo smiled this was home.

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