chapter eleven: heaven

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A field of Dandelions grasping at my fingertips.

The feeling of being welcomed by everything and nothing all at once.
I see my mother, my father, and my sister; every childhood memory collided into a span of a second.

The fist time I rode a bike; my first love; my first birthday I remember; my first prom; and my first hospital visit. Also every good memory I have of my family, the hospital, and school. Everything in my life, wrapped tightly like a nice now, in the whirlwind.

It was nice, like a field with treasure, where I could breath, steadily without an oxygen tank for once.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, as I wished my mother and father could see this beauty. The beauty of heaven.

Not another hospital visit; not another sleepless night; not another birthday alone. Everything bad that had ever happened, would never happened again.


Everyone imagines heaven, like the own personal heaven, with things they wished. But really, it's a sensation rippling across your body; images of every happy moment reliving in your mind. The feeling of you won't be alone anymore, because you are safe, you are here. You are home.

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