chapter nine: fun

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After I went home from the two weeks in the hospital, my mother and father acted, like they were on egg shells around me. They didn't allow me to do anything fun, nor did they let me drive anywhere. I laid in my bed, and took my medicine, and was helpless.


I called my sister, one Tuesday afternoon, after my mother and father had gone to work.

"Hey," she said.

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked thinking of what I was going to do next.

"Of course. Sky, what's wrong?" She said. Her voice sounded worried. "If I go anytime soon, can you remember me with life and happiness instead of being sick in a bed?"


"Just please, promise me," I begged. I didn't want my family to remember me when I was dying. I wanted them to remember me happy and watching Netflix and eating ice cream on a rainy day. I wanted the good days to stick and I wanted the bad days to go away.

"I promise," she said. Her voice was strained, like she was about to cry. Theodora didn't cry; she always held herself together.

"Are your feeling better?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I answered.

My phone beeped, and a message from Phillip popped up.

"Meet me at the hospital in ten."

"Hey I gotta go, talk too you later, love you," she said, abruptly. "Okay, bye, love you too," I said, taken aback.  I grabbed my keys, and slowly walked outside, watching for my mother or father. I drove to the hospital and walked to where Phillip told me to meet him at.

As soon as I walked in, Phillip enveloped me into a hug, and told me to sit down. We were in the therapy room, with Kenzie, Phillip,  Tabatha, and my other hospital friends. "Why I am I here?" I asked, sitting down in the circle.

"We wanted to have one last day together, before Kenzie had her heart surgery," Phillip declared. She smiled. "We are going to wreck havoc on this place," Tabatha said, joining the conversation. We all cheered and made our plans for the hospital.


Tabatha and I were going to the children's ward, and we were going to give them candies that we got from the nurses center.

We walked out the elevator of the hospital, and started handing out the candy; slipping them in kids hands or setting it on the desk beside their beds if they were sleeping.

"Miss Sky, what do you think you are doing?" a nurse asked me, while I was setting a candy on a desk. I slowly turned around. "Nothing," I said, giggling.


I handed her the candy that was in my hand. "Thank you." 

I nodded, walking back to the hallway where Tabatha was waiting for me. "Oooh busted," she said, laughing. "Whatever, text Phillip to meet us in the therapy room," I said.


"Sky got caught," Phillip said, after we met up and told him what happened. "I thought so," Nathan, another of our hospital friends, said. Nathan was, what some people call a player, and tried to get with me my first day at the hospital. I rejected him, but became friends with him. "It was still fun though," Kenzie said. We all nodded.

"How you feeling?" Nathan asked me.

"I don't know, earlier, I was feeling better but now I just don't know how I feel."

It was around the time mother was getting off work, so I said my goodbyes and my good lucks to everyone, and went back to laying in my bed.

Mother didn't suspect anything, and neither did my father.

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