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"Yes, about that", Adam turned to Orli "director,", he turned back to Tali, "we are pretty sure that your mother is still alive. She must have gotten out of the house before the fire burned it down completely."
Orli was shocked to say the least. But then again when Adam looked at Tali and Tony whose expressions were filled with hope, he felt like he did the right thing saying his assumption.
"Ima" Tali sighed and had a lost expression carved in her face. Tony hugged her and she buried her face in the crook of his neck like she always did and like her mother did before. Both of them had questions, many questions. Why did Ziva make them believe she was dead? That was the most important question for them but Tony knew that it had to be something serious if she didn't try to reach Tali nor him or Gibbs or anyone else from the team. Because he knew that if she would have reached out for help of them, they would have told him. Tali didn't seem to understand why her mother had left her so he whispered in her ear "it had to be something serious, she loved you and no matter what she wouldn't have given you up if it wasn't for the best" that seemed to soothe Tali.

The grown up ~Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now